
Is report by Los Angeles times about illegal aleians correct?

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Is report by Los Angeles times about illegal aleians correct?




  1. Well I live in L.A. and we spend over one billion each year on illegals and 25% of our welfare goes towards illegals or the children of illegals. Don't get me stared on our schools or hospitals.

  2. ...that illegal aliens cost the U.S. more each year than the war in Iraq...than yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. That illegals have taken over all of downtown LA, because it's too dangerous for LAPD to go there? Yes.

  4. A link to the report you are asking about would be nice, not everyone reads the LA times.

  5. Yes by some perspectives and no by other perspectives. It depends on where you stand on the issue.

    Oh THAT 1 no it's not true.

  6. I don't know because you didn't mention what report, but I can tell you that your spelling is incorrect.

    Use my Yahoo! 360 Picture, it's not dangerous for LAPD because of the illegals, it's dangerous because of the gangs (Hispanic, Black, Asian and yes! white gangs to). Illegals make maybe 10% of gang members, and that's a very very small percentage when you have over 200 gangs in L.A.

  7. Yes, it also said, illegal aliens have trashed that place!

  8. Doubtful but I don't know.  What does it say?

  9. You need to be more specific in your question.

    Do you have the link for the subject that you are asking right now ?

  10. the report its just an urban legend , look at the following link it does explains it all : ( i actually got this link from an anti ) .

    people have been told about this article so many times yet it never was in the LA Times neither its accurate .

    EDIT : anyone interested in the lies in that scam please read the link i provided , thanks .

    as a matter of fact i seen this website being used by so many antis .....

  11. Probably but keep in mind that the LA Times is a left leaning Democrat rag. It's best use is in the bottom of a bird cage.

  12. LA Times is never correct about anything...

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