
Is reproduction the only reason to live? scientifically.

by Guest33280  |  earlier

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curiosity kills the cat.




  1. Consider....the only living this that have indefinite lifespans reproduce asexually.  Sexual reproduction requires that the life form eventually die otherwise it would not be a successful reproductive strategy.

  2. Yes from a strict, biological point of view the only purpose of life is to continue the species.

  3. No that makes no sense, because there would be no reason to live if that was the reason to live lol.  Because if that was the only reason to live there would be no point in living because all you would be doing is reproducing.  So that's not much to live for.

  4. The definition of a biological success is to reproduce - you can watch the various nature programs and see the energy that males put into fighting for the right to mate or birds that put their energy into exotic displays of plumage.  Even plants put large amounts of energy into producing seeds when in reality they would be better off storing that energy for their own future use (i.e. in a time of drought).

  5. Yes, and no.  Any species that didn't have a good overall survival strategy would soon die out.  Therefore, a large number of the members of that species must have a desire to reproduce or the species would go extinct.  However, there are other behaviors besides reproduction that contribute to the overall survival of a species.  For example, there are situations where a "hero" is needed to give up life (and therefore ability to reproduce, of course) in order to save the group.  We see this in both animals and people.  The desire to be a "hero" is something that at least some members of the species must have in order to allow the species to thrive.  

    So that can be seen as another "reason to live."  I'm sure there are others, if you think about it.  Certainly, reproduction is necessary for a species to survive, but it's not the only thing that is necessary! What needs to happen for a species to survive and thrive?  Answer this question and you will find many reasons to live.  

  6. Yes. Scientifically, the whole purpose of life is the reproduce. Every organism is that way. Technically, if you produce no children (even by choice), you don't fulfill your life's purpose and you lose in Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory game of life. The more you produce, the fitter and better/higher up you are on the Darwin game of life. The purpose of natural selection is to pass on your best genes to your offspring. I don't know how else to explain it but yes. Yes, reproduction is scientifically the only fundamental reason to live.

  7. yes the ultimate goal of every animal (including humans) is to reproduce and pass on our genes  

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