
Is resignation a sign of cowardice ?

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  1. all of the above.

  2. Depends on the purpose of the resignation.  Is it to save face?  Is it to end a successful career?  Is it to launch into a better opportunity?  God bless you.

  3. It could be, but it could also mean the person has given up. He lacks the passion or will to continue thus he resigns. But it could also be cowardice. Like if someone steps up to the challenge and the other resigns, then yes he could be afraid. but there are other reasons to resign.

  4. Sometimes it is a sign of wisdom!

    Otherwise it could be sign of anger,  frustration,  plain laziness,  boredom and yes,  cowardice too!

  5. The disempowered Samson brought into the court of the w***e, resigned himself to his ultimate fate, yet by his last manoeuvre destroyed his captors, did he not.

    On hearing news of the evil death of John the Baptist Jesus knew his time on Earth was drawing to an end. Resignation is a facing of the overwhelming odds stacked against you in times of war.

    Resignation is not a laying down of arm and surrendering to one’s opponents, rather it is a reconciliation with ones circumstance and fate.

    Meandering and compromising ones stand is cowardice, sitting upon a fence ambiguously murmuring consoling noises to both warring factions is cowardice.

    Few are men with true bravado and the courage of their convictions. May the Phoenix of the East arise and quash the brutal savagery and immorality of the invasive and oppressive western evil empire. Amen.

  6. If you do it because you don't want to do the work or work with the people there, then yes.

  7. Not always.

    Sometimes its actually a sign of courage and pride if you're resigning to go out and try something new for yourself.

  8. Not always.  I tend to believe it is the actions of a very wise person.

  9. It completely depends on why you resign.

    If you resign because you know you are unable to do the job as well as someone else, then no.

    If you resign because you don't want to do it, and it's not the type of position where people are relying on you, then no.

    If you resign because something unexpected happens that you can not handle, and you know someone else can handle it better, then no.

    If you resign because your lazy and just don't feel like doing the work you agreed to, then yes!

    If you resign because you just wanted to "win" the position, but once you got it you decide you really don't want to do the work, then yes!

    I really think it's one of those questions that requires a better understanding of what the reason is. Ultimately, if it's because you are simply uninterested, unwilling, or too risk adverse, yes it is cowardice. Iif it is because you are unable, or unable to do it effectively, then it may, and it may not- in fact, at times it can actually be the heroic thing to step down and allow someone greater than you in such position to excel!

    Hope that helps!

  10. Not really. resignation can be sign of wisdom.

    If your job pay less than others in the same field and your boss is lousy. Resign and get a better job is the wise thing to do.

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