
Is restorative justice effective in reducing crime?

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Is restorative justice effective in reducing crime?




  1. Restorative justice is a term mostly linked to juvenile justice practices. It used in an attempt to get the young offender to take ownership of their actions and responsibility to make some form of amends in relation to offense that occurred.

    A typical example of this is the youth justice conference scheme used in QLD Australia whereby a convener receives a referral either from police or the courts and a meeting is arranged with the young person (and parent guardian), the police, and th victim. All persons are able to contribute to this meeting with end goal being that some agreement is reached as what the child can do to make amends NB this agreement also includes the child's input. Typically a letter of apology is made and in some cases financial restitutionn can be part of te agreement. Failure to comply with this final agreement results in the child going to court for a court imposed sanction

    The research into restorative justice in QLD suggests that 85% of young offenders who go through this process do not reoffend.

  2. Umm, what does that even mean?  That's just a term.  Invented terms don't have any effect on crime - only action does.

  3. you might want to provide a link to something describing it. like the wiki below

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