
Is rhetoric all Obama has in his arsenal?

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Obama has made it public many times that he will cut military spending and destroy a majority of our nukes.

Obama votes and talks like he doesn't want you to bear arms.

Doesn't this SCARE THE **** OUT OF YOU?

We don't need our military downsized in a world like this. Right?




  1. When all he can come up with is "That's above my pay grade", everybody should be concerned.  He's probably thinking, "Holy s****!  How did I get the far and what will I do if they elect me?"  He and his wife, Omarosa, have plenty to worry about.

  2. Scares the h**l out of me.  (Especially since he's not exactly in love with America!)

  3. Not to people who have faith in God & are true christians. Not to people who understand how we create our life. What we put out comes back so when we fight we get a fight back. When we are strong in our faith our faith protects us. When we love our neighbor as ourself we see our nieghbor is us.

  4. Wrong! You have the facts all twisted. Obama doesn't want to destroy any nukes. He simply wants to stop the future production of unneccessary nukes, since we've already, for decades had enough nukes to destroy the world twenty times over. And he's not against bearing arms, just against assault rifles in the wrong hands! Do you really think his body gaurds don't carry guns? Do you even think before you ask a question?

  5. i think arsenal is a very bad choice of words, it may offend the anti

    gun extremists that are his supporters!

  6. no, he's a brilliant thinker and knows how to choose good people to work with to make himself even more effective.  he wants us to stay in afganistan and get bin laden but doesn't want us to keep spending 10 billion a month in irak to have our boys die over there for nothing, or only to enrich the texas oil buddies.

  7. Yes, it is a very scary thought to think that he could be elected.  But then, I was scared when Clinton was elected TWICE and we survived him.  It's just that while things are like they are in the world today with all the unrest overseas, for us to "disarm" in any way would make us appear weak and become a target ourselves.

  8. That and the race card.

  9. Good luck

  10. obama talks out of his arsenal

  11. Yes, I think so.


    Obama=Talking about Action.

  12. Yes, rhetoric and *fancy* *sweetie* and a lot of mumbow jumbo

    bull chit and weiner juice

    McCain and Palin will clean his clock?

  13. We don't need our military downsized, I agree.  But could it operate more efficiently?  Could we maximize our diplomatic efforts before going to war with everyone that irritates us?  Could we have competitive bidding on military contracts rather than giving the fat-cat deals to our buddies?

  14. No, it doesn't "SCARE THE *****OUT OF YOU".  Four more years of the Republicans does!

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