
Is rice really bad for you? I thought it was good for you...?

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My stepdad keeps saying that it's not healthy and it has alot of carbohydrates, he's different nationality with us but as far as I know, I've eaten rice all my life... is that really bad? I feel healthy =I




  1. use to eat rice three time a day, and I'm quite healthy and strongly. just keep eat it, don't listen to your stepdad

  2. white rice has a lot of sweetenings. take brown rice. brown rice is healthy!

  3. It is shocking at first to consider an average bowl of rice contains 700-800 calories but it is pure carbohydrate. It has been a staple for the oriental asian population for hundreds of years and does not seem to lead to obesity or any other adverse health issues.

    Try mixed brown and white rice instead of just plain white rice once in a while for a change. The brown grained rice is supposed to be more healthful and is served in vegetarian chinese restaurants that promote the living style of Buddhists.

  4. rice is considered fattening because it is carbohydrate..but that is like a staple food for us asian. i would say a moderate amount will not harm anyone. i've seen people who can down 3-4 bowls of rice in one sitting - that is of cos not healthy but it would be the same for other food too

  5. rice is a carbohydrate but so is potato and bread.  but most people who eat potato fill it up with butter and trimmings and THAT IS FATTENING!  rice, if it is just steamed, is healthy.  most people in asian countries and those from louisiana and mississippi eat a lot of rice.  do you see a lot of unhealthy fat asians?  no!

    but rice is not as heavy as potato and is good for you.  maybe your stepdad is not used to rice but i bet he fills himself with a lot of potato and bread .......and maybe beer which has a lot of carbohydrates.

    my family and i have been eating rice all our lives....and we are all healthy....

  6. Whole Grains are what you need dear-io...whole grain rice, whole grain bread, whole grain cereal, bran....these are all super good for need carbohydrates for fuel but they are best eaten with protein, although some Macrobiotic chefs will tell you otherwise. You should definatly pick up a book on will tell you everything you need to know about whole grains..a good one I found is called The Hip Chicks Guide to Macrobiotics... it kind of fell off the shelf at me and I discovered it by accident...I now live by the recipes & facts of this book, but strictly by coincidence! Now that's what I call Divine Interference!  

    PS--Don't eat white rice. It's not good for you because it is stripped of all the nutrients.

  7. it does have lots of carbs. too much of anything can be unhealthy. but it's still okay to eat. just don't go overboard.

  8. It's good if that's all you had to eat, and then worked out in the fields all day, but since most of us don't live that hard of a life, it's bad for you. Eating 3-4 cups of rice a day is pretty fattening, unless you plan on working out for the rest of the day, and running a marathon. Otherwise stick to 1-2 cups of rice a day. Carbs aren't good for just sitting around.

  9. Yes, rice does contain carbohydrates but that doesn't mean it's bad for you if you are at your healthy stage.

    It's only bad if you have a diabete type 2 because rice also contains glucose.  Diabetic patients' metabolisms cannot maintain homeostasis in glucose production and starch break down by product due to lack of insulin (hormone that prevents the breakdown of starchs into glucoses), as result in diabete.

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