
Is ricky willlams going to turn it around?

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He has been horrible latley. It seems like every time he touches the bal he cant even get a 1 yard carry. Is he and the argos goin to turn it around or should i cheer for a new team.




  1. The Argo's offensive line is pretty bad and I'm not convinced he is suited for the CFL. I hope he turns it around, the Argo's are my team.

  2. I would be cheering for a new team...ricky williams isnt all there in the head.  He just wants to smoke pot in some foreign country rather than play football.

  3. We play defence in Canada.

  4. He can't turn it around unless the Argos resolve some of their other issues.

  5. he needs blocking..the o line sucks..

  6. The Argos have to give him the d**n ball first to find out if he can turn it around. He should be getting the ball at least 25 times a game not 10-15 times. And block for the guy for crying out loud!!!

  7. no, williams is  a career loser....he started when he left texas, then left the dolphins, and then left the dolphins again....there shouldn't be team out there who wants to touch him with a ten foot pole.....he's bad news and he owes it to noone, but himself.

  8. Damon Allen is still playing football?????

    No, Ricky won't turn it around.  The Canadian game (3 downs) doesn't lend itself to the creation of a churning, pound-it-out running game, where the back can afford to have only 3-4 yard gains like in America, where 3d and 4 or 3d and 3 is makeable, unlike 3d down in the CFL (punt).  Canadian ball is more like American Arena Football, but in an outdoor setting...lots of motion, lots of passing, very little emphasis on the running game.  What y'all do up north doesn't play to Ricky's talents, so don't expect much from him the rest of the season...

    <---Edmonton Eskimos fan from the Warren Moon days....

  9. maybe...

  10. Ricky Williams will Definitely turn it around!...As will the Argoes!...( And, I'm a Stampeders fan in Calgary!...So I'm not Biased! )

    With Damon Allen, one of the Greatest All-Time QB's in the CFL,  injured on the 3rd Offensive Play of the Season,  what would you expect?...It completely shook the offense up!

    But, Damon will be back very soon & the Argoes fortunes will change for the Better...With Allen taking the snaps...Suddenly the Argoes are a Passing Threat!  He also runs the ball well too, and that Keeps Defenses Guessing!

    Ricky Williams will start putting up some decent numbers also...once defenses can't Key on Him almost every play!

    Fortunately for your Argoes, It's still pretty early in the Season...I wouldn't go into Panic-Mode quite yet!

    When the Stamps last won the Grey Cup, they had an 8-10 Regular Season record...Ditto for the BC Lions the Year before!

    So I'd expect the Argoes to regroup fairly quickly in the next couple of weeks...Just as long as Damon Allen stays healthy!...Ricky's success depends on it also!

  11. Without Damon Allen and that BC reject Spurgeon Lose, I doubt it. It's pretty hard to get it in gear w/o being in camp. I hope he does as it'll be good for the league but Tor's O is anemic w/o Allen to guide it so the D can key on Ricky even more.

  12. he sucks

  13. no...NFL and CFL are two completely different games. People think that just because the NFL has the "better" athletes, anyone can come up to the CFL and become a star.

    Very wrong, as you have to be very quick in the CFL.

    I also believe he would be a good CFL back IF he came into the league for more than one year. Every teams "D" wants to stop him cold.

  14. The Argos obviously have troubles bigger than Williams. Still, he's been a disappointment so far.

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