
Is riding on the train fun?

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well of course it is fun if you get the amtrack train the have deliciouse food and you can wach the people in the side of your window you can pass beoutiful places that you've never seen i'am telling you it is so wonderful if you all so go whith your fammily




  1. It fun just seeing things you usually don't see from the road.

  2. It is a good way to travel

    more room than a bus

    more freedom to move about

    usually less crowded.

  3. Yes, especially if it is a steam train it will take you back in time to when everyone depended on the railroad and when you could hear that lonesome whistle in the distance. I've always wanted to ride on board a steam train and go to back to what being a man really meant.

  4. It is only if you think it is. You can enjoy it at your own will, as to say it can be fun. But that is up to you. Do you want it to be fun? By the way, please check your spelling. It's called 'Amtrak', not 'AmtraCk'. Sorry, but a lot of railfans hate that. It's okay, it isn't easy to spell.

  5. Yes, it CAN be, if you work at it. It is mostly much more leisurely and the scenery is always pleasant to look at for the most part. There is no sense of rushing about like there is in an airplane and taking a bus is simply uncomfortable for long periods of time. I prefer the train over any other form if I can take advantage of one. When I travel, I prefer, in order, 1) train, 2) bus, 3) my car and last 4) air.

  6. Train travel can be for the most part a pleasant experience, for the reasons given above.

    But as a whole, we're in too much of a hurry to allow for an extended time spent in travel by train, versus air travel, for example.

    But we all say the same thing, that we need time to "unplug" while on vacation, get some R & R.  But we then torture ourselves in airline terminals.  If the purpose of travel is for relaxation to begin with, as when on vacation, then train travel makes perfect, affordable sense.

    And none of 'em ever kissed the ground at 450 mph.

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