
Is right now a good time to invest money? Which is a good stock to invest in?

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Is right now a good time to invest money? Which is a good stock to invest in?




  1. Nope, not at all.

    Still, the issue of "investing" is putting money into shares of ownership of a company that is doing something you find valuable. Of course, most folks (often, but always, myself included) merely think about the company making profits or perhaps paying dividends. But if you really are investing, almost any time is a good time.

    After you've narrowed down (what we sometimes call the "short list") on an investment vehicle, you might consider the technical features that traders use in order to time your entry. Think of it as a surfer catching a wave, perhaps. If the stock is falling then maybe wait a little longer until it stops falling. That is kind of like buying something on sale. On the other hand, if the stock is rising, then you might want to get in on that one right away, after all you don't want to unnecessarily pay too much. Consider sorting your short list by which way they are moving in the current market, buying the fastest rising now, buying the fastest falling last.

    The key essentially is this, if you like the clothes, say, in the Coldwater Creek stores, or you like all the neat stuff that Apple is doing, then you might want to be a part of it. That is investing and any time is good for that. But if you are just thinking if I buy into companies A, B, and C today, what will their stock prices be like next week or next month, nope, that is trading/speculating. That is an entirely different dog. If you are trading, be cautious, perhaps wait. If you are investing, go for it.

  2. There are many ways to invest.  You are thinking of the stock market, but there are other places you can invest as well.

    If you put your money in CD's or  money markets you will probably not make much and have to pay tax on the gain.

    If you invest in stocks or bonds or mutual funds, you can lose your investment dollars.  You can protect your gains from taxes by investing from a Roth or IRA account and defer taxes on your gains, but also not be able to touch the money for a long time without paying penalties.

    You can also invest your money in insurance products like annuities or Indexed Universal Life policies.  Annuities can have high rates of return and protect your principal from loss and defer taxes.  UL's can be structured to grow aggessively tax deferred, protect your principal from loss, accessed tax exempt, and protect your family - but only if structured properly.

    I believe we have more stock market losses ahead so I like annuities and UL policies for investments, myself.

  3. I don't think the market is going to reverse soon. And with all that money moving to fixed income securities, the yields you will get aren't that too exciting even. Read this--

  4. Annuities? You have to looking at your situation in depth. Are you saving for the short term or long term? If you are looking to withdraw in a year don't bother investing your money. If long term mutual funds are perfect idea. If you have the time to do day to day research stocks can be a good bet. As for annuities, it depends on your tax situation. There are too many fees for average investors to cope with. With my clients, annuites are the last resort to tax savings. There is my recommendation for you.

  5. Yes it is a good time to invest if you're looking long-term.  The safest bet is to invest in an index fund, ride out the current market correction and wait for the inevitable recovery.

  6. Its difficult because if you invest in to a good stock today, its prices could go down by tomorrow. There is no good or bad. It is a bit like gambling. You have to take a risk.

  7. It for sure is a better time than it was last October.  But it might be a much better time yet next October.  That is October 2009. I have seen a lot of stocks that I thought were good stocks to invest in. To my regret, I was wrong on all counts.

  8. YES, right now is a good time to invest. But not in stocks.

    You should ask professional what to invest in.

    Email me at: pupking(at)luckymail(dot)com for a professional advice.

    I wish you success!

  9. If we knew that, we could all be millionaires!! but seriously, no one can tell you this is a bad time or a good time to invest. some stock are tanking while others and taking off. there is no way to know for certain that what you pick to invest in will be fine.

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