
Is right to put up a cross at Flight 93's crash site made from steel from the twin towers?

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Not all the passengers on board Flight 93 were Christians. Not all the victims of 9/11 were Christians. I believe that if you put up the cross you should put up the religious symbols of all religions and one for atheists also. If you cannot do this, then you should take down the cross. I seem to remember that the US Government bought the land at the Flight 93 crash site. Doesn't it make putting religious symbols on it illegal?




  1. I completely disapprove of the this. Im sure thousands of Americans would be highly offended if this were the cross were to be put up. Its unlikely it will happen... unless it already has

  2. I'm cool with that.Put up all religious symbols,and a big Peace sign.It probably is illegal to place religious signs or symbols their if the Gov. bought it.It is funny how they always say seperate Government from the state but look at our money.Also I had too testify in court once,and they had me swear too God with my right hand on the Bible to tell the truth so help me,go figure!

  3. I think a plaque with their names on it would have been appropriate, because a cross was used, this brings revenge into our minds on a religeous level that this is Islam against Christianity.

    I think turning the twin towers into a warship was the sickest possible thing that could be conceieved, I actually felt sick to my stomach.

    we need to understand, there is something operating within our government with this new world order that does not feel right, the term "new world order" has is its place in occult world history, we should have reason to fear it.

  4. I doubt very much those people died at that location and were not ditched in the sea and also wasn't all the tower debris shipped suspiciously to china before it could be analysed. Real tower debris would probably be too radioactive from the government explosives to make a nice cross.

  5. The cross that is there now is part of the temporary memorial on the site.  As is common with memorial sites, ordinary people have brought and left items of importance to them.  There is a fence with messages and items from thousands of people who have visited.

    The permanent memorial design to be installed on the government-managed site will be paid for primarily by two private foundations.  However, the design is intended to be non-religious.  In fact, there has been some controversy over the design and it has been modified.  Not because it was too Christian, but because it appeared to incorporate Islamic imagery.

    In the meantime, the cross remains as the private expression of the person who put it there, not an endorsement of Christianity by the US government.

  6. You voted the government of the day into place so that gives them the right to do whatever they think is right.However, I believe that any religious symbol is counterproductive to peace and so the site should be marked with a simple plaque as it is here. I refer to no less a disaster than Pan Am 103 at Lockerbie in Scotland.

    Oh, and why would an atheist require a religious symbol?

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