
Is robbing hundreds of thousands of dollars from marines' children libs' new way of "supporting the troops?"

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Liberals, for the hatred of one man, what lows will your left-wing fringe sink to next?

I first read the story here:

However, for the purpose of research, I visited the democratic underground website to confirm the story (so libs, don't accuse me of being a mindless neocon, and don't moan about the source. Here's confirmation straight from the horse's mouth):




  1. A link to a public forum on some obscure democrat web site? And I'm not sure how many of them knew it was for charity. That's some real news!

  2. If it will give you any solace, the "brains" behind this letter signed by all of those Senators is Harry Reid of Nevada. My state. He forgot to check and see how many of Mister Limbaugh's fans are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). "Searchlight Harry" Reid is losing a lot of support from his fellow Mormons on this issue and even had to scramble up to Utah to address some of the folks in his church. Besides taking a hit on the popularity meter, he's also going to be hit hard in the campaign funds chest.

  3. That's typical lib reactions for you.

  4. I do not speak on behalf of all liberals any more than these people do but here is how I feel

    1. The letter should never have been sent. I do believe Rush has been taken out of context on this one. I do not agree with Rush and think he is lower than a rattlesnake's belly but he is still a private citizen with a right to free speech. He has abused that right in so many ways that to pick on something that clearly did not come out as intended is really very silly.

    2. Rush is a shameless attention seeker. To give him more attention like this is counterproductive.

    3. If Rush wants to sell the letter that would seem to be his right. He is to my knowledge breaking no law so to try to stop him is wrong.

    4. Anyone that would pay 117,000 for this letter is crazy.

    5. Not all liberals can be generalized by the posts on Democratic Underground. To try to do so is extremely disingenous.

    6. The liberals you pillory for taking money from marines' children clearly did not realize that was the charity in question. Again you would appear to be  disingenuous in this respect.

  5. They want to report it??????

    that is weak,  weak weak weak

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