
Is roger federer back in top form?

by Guest58532  |  earlier

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i watched the wimbledon final today and i thought that federer was back in good form he played great attacking tennis for the last 3 sets and i reckon he will win the us open and keep the nuber 1 ranking this year, does anyone else agree with me, whatn is your opinion




  1. I think he played reasonably well but i'm a Nadal fan =D and i just dont like federer for some reason, i dont know why, prob cause he won wimbledon too much and his face freaks me out.

    GO NADAL! yeye

    and fed is just too old!!!!! ehh retire already ya old hag.

  2. He played a great match, so what if he lost. Rafa deserved it. This is great for the game, because we finally have a new Wimbledon champion. It makes watching mens tennis more exciting and less predictable.

  3. He is in great form, but not good enough form to win 6 in a row....But his opponent today won by an inch, it was so close. So he is not losing form, he is just not getting better and the players are starting to learn from him and catch up

  4. YEAH!!

  5. no

  6. I'm hoping that Rafeal Nadal will take over the worlds number 1 ranking. I watched this final this morning as well and i'm thinking, yeah Roger Federer is a great player, but its all the same. Every game, yeah he comes up with a few great shots. But Rafeal Nadal is what the future of tennis is all about. He is an amazing athlete and works so hard for every point. Nadal produces much more, he tries new things and goes for more - yeah he makes a few mistakes but if you don't go for the big shots you won't improve. I'm a bit sick of Federers playing it safe.

  7. i think the thing is, as most people have said, federer isn't losing form, per se, but he's stagnated, whereas other players like nadal and djokovic are doing better and better. rafa's game on grass has improved steadily since last year (it's pretty evident from the outcome of wimbledon, and it's all the commentators seem to talk about ;))

    the thing is, i wish we'd gotten to see federer challenged a little bit more on his way to the wimbledon finals. the only opponents i think seemed to present any threat at all were hewitt and safin, so i don't really think it's fair to judge his standards when there wasn't anyone around to really push him to his limits till nadal. i would've loved to see another federer-djokovic match.

    i do think he'll go on to win the us open, though. he's not the number one player in the world for nothing, and he's got a lot to prove after losing all three grand slams so far this year. i just think it's a shame that some fans feel that nadal's winning is based only on luck, or on federer having an off-day, when both men's track records this year have proved that to be anything but true.

  8. Yea I definately agree with you...

    He seemed nervous in the first two sets. He was playing well in the last three sets although I could still see the nerves getting to him. He had everything to lose, where as Nadal had nothing to lose.

    Nadal is improving quickly at the moment but Federer still is playing well. If there was no clay court tournaments I think Djokovic wold be no. 2 Nadal is good on clay, and compared to grass there are many clay tournaments.

    I think Federer is back on track, he didn't play well at The Australian Open because he had something similar to Glandular Fever and the French Open he has never won so he didn;t do any worse than in other years. He still played well in the Wimbledon and was very close to winning for the 6th time so I don't think anyone should give up on him now.

    Let's hope for the best in the US Open... Roger is the best possible role model in tennis. It would be very sad to see him lose his no. 1 ranking.

  9. I said Big NO. He was not at all his best form.

    He didnt get the rythm of his great backend.

    See some of his previous matches and compare last day wimbledon.

    So I hope he will come back and show his stuff to Nadal again. Will see in 2009. Why not in US Open 2008.

  10. Lol...dude hes doing worse Nadal Beat him in the last to major championships...hes getting a bit older not as sharp.

    Nadal is playing awesome. will be #1 in while

  11. he's not bad, but in today's wimbledon final I thought that he didn't play well at all... When he was up to serve, he was beating nadal with no problem, but when it is nadal's turn, he couldn't do anything... plus he mad many errors which he shouldn't of... Something was not right with him..

  12. Yes, Federer is back in good form.  He played amazing tennis today.  It's just too bad that Rafa is also getting better.

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