
Is room temperature water really better for you?

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than cold water?My mom has told me that.If so, why or if not,why?




  1. I've never head anything like that but I couldn't imagine so

    the only thing like this that I can think of is that boiling the water would get rid of bacteria but even from there it doesn't matter what temperature it is.  that's kind of irrelevant but =)

  2. i really didnt know that, but i like my water cold not too cold but not room temperature. i really dont know why it would make a difference, maybe it has something to do with your body temperature maybe cold water lowers it too much.

  3. cold water will cramp some stomachs if you are straining yourself with hard work/exercise

  4. not true. Your body just absorbed the nutrients slower because of the cool temp.

  5. It tastes badly, but for your health its much better. For a diet it is worse it.


  6. not exactly. it is just easier on your digestive system.

  7. yes. It does not make your body adjust to another temperature. It is a shock to the system somewhat.

  8. No. But if you drink hot or cold water your body burns more calories because your body has to bring to your bodys temp.

  9. Room temp or warm water is better for digestion. Cold water causes the fat in whatever you eat to solidify, but warm water keeps it in a less solid consistancy, which makes it easier for your digestive system to process it.

  10. lol no its the same thing  

  11. it doesnt hurt your belly, as much as cold would

  12. Drinking cold water is actually good for you. In order to re-hydrate after exercising, your water should be below room temperature. Colder fluids leave your stomach more quickly, so they'll get to your body faster.

    When you're in hot weather, you lose extra fluids. Drinking cold water actually helps to cool you from the inside.

    So now we know it's good to drink cold water, but are we burning extra calories when we do? The answer is yes. Your body is burning calories to raise the temperature of the cold water to be equal to your body temp.

  13. its just same... but I'd prefer very cold water to help me cool down and even fresher

  14. Asian have a longer life span than most due to diet. another part of their diet is liquids that are un-iced. They drink alot of hot natural tea and un-iced water. Your core body temp is approx 98.6 degrees. When you drink a cooled or iced liquid your digestive tract drops several degrees instantly, and it doesnt go away quickly. You can drop your digestive temp by as much as 25 to 35 degrees. sudden temperature change can be quite dangerous especially in the bodies ability of assimilation of foods. We see it as a relief on parched days. Western nations have grown accostumed to this. Its the same as being out in 90 weather, and then all of a sudden it drops to 60 degrees. It can cause you to become sick. the body goes through alot of extremes gradually or quickly instantly. If you maintain a stable diet, natural foods that are served at natural temperatures this can give you as much as a 12 year advantage over poor uncontrolable diets with varied temperatures. Temperature of your food is just as important in our lives, as well as excercise and what you eat.....  

  15. It depends on your body type.  It's not universal for all people....  The only hard fact is that it's not a good idea to drink ice cold water when it's really, really, really hot out...One may get heatstroke.....

  16. if your working out it is because your body uses more energy to heat up the cold water..and losing energy when your working out isnt good.  

  17. I've never heard of such a thing...

    I have heard that if you have an older home/older pipes, that it's better to run cold water than warm/hot water because the warm/hot water has a better chance of gathering crud that's in your pipes and putting it in the water than cold water does...

  18. I heard it is. Its like pouring grease in the sink... How would you clean the grease? with hot or cold water? Cold water will not help as much oppose to hot. Obviously we wont drink hot water but room temp is best.

    I used grease as an example cause sometimes we eat greasy foods

  19. never thought it mattered... i think its all the same though.

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