
Is root 16 an integer....?

by Guest57723  |  earlier

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is root 16 an:



even number

positive number

negative number

rational number

irrational number

imaginary number

real number

natural number

counting number

transcendental #

yes or no for each. Im kind of confused whether i should simplify it or not




  1. sq rt 16 = 4 so,

    interger - yes

    digit -yes

    even number -yes

    positive number -yes

    negative number -no

    rational number -yes

    irrational number - no

    imaginary number - no

    real number - yes

    natural number - yes

    counting number - yes

    transcendental # - no

  2. It's a even, positive, irrational,  and real number

  3. root 16 is 4

    so ya

    just do it for that

  4. root 16 = 4, -4   (because 4^2 = 16 and (-4)^2 = 16)


    integer: yes, integers include negative whole numbers, 0 and positive whole numbers. { ... -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,..}

    digit: yes ? A digit is defined as a symbol used in numerals to represent numbers. A numeral is a sequence of digits.

    even number: yes {2,4,6,8 ...

    positive: +4 yes, -4 no

    negative: -4 yes, +4 no

    rational: yes, include fractions and decimals that terminate or repeat.

    irrational: no, irrational #'s are fractions that do not terminate or repeat (ex: pi)

    imaginary: no, imaginary #'s are complex #'s and include "i" (ex: root -16 = 4i)

    real: yes, everything without an "i" is real.

    natural: yes, includes whole numbers beginning with 1...

    counting: yes, a counting number is any number that you

    can use to count something ... doesn't include zero, negatives, fractions or decimals.

    transcendental:no, a transcendental number is a complex number that is not algebraic (it does not arise through an algebraic expression such as root -16. 4i would be a transcendental complex number.

    * Don't forget whole #'s : natural and zero

    Thanks, I learned a few definitions myself.


  5. assuming you mean the square root:

    integer Y

    digit Y

    even number Y

    positive number Y

    negative number N

    rational number Y

    irrational number N

    imaginary number N

    real number Y

    natural number Y

    counting number Y

    transcendental # N

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