
Is rootbeer a form of beer?

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Is rootbeer a form of beer?




  1. no its not i believe it is made from sum sort of a root and not wats used for alcohol

  2. No, it would be considered a soft drink.  It is made from a root, thus the name.


    Root beer has its origins in what is referred to as "small beers." Small beers are a collection of local beverages (some alcoholic, some not) made during colonial times in America from a variety of herbs, barks, and roots that included: birch beer, sarsparilla beer, ginger beer and root beer. Ingredients in early root beers included allspice, birch bark, coriander, juniper, ginger, wintergreen, hops, burdock root, dandelion root, spikenard, pipsissewa, guaiacum chips, sarsaparilla, spicewood, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, prickly ash bark, sassafras root*, vanilla beans, hops, dog grass, molasses and licorice. Many of these ingredients are still used in root beer today along with carbonation. There is no one recipe.

  4. No.

  5. lol no ... it has no alcohol what so ever ...!!

  6. Nope, and ginger ale isn't a beer either.

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