
Is rotisserie chicken good for you?

by Guest66190  |  earlier

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Is rotisserie chicken good for you?




  1. It's roasted so yes and chicken is a lean meat and doesn't have a whole lot of fat like red meat. So enjoy.

  2. Not really- the skin and dark meat are pretty fattening. A lot of rotisserie chicken also contains a lot of hormones, which are unhealthy in large quantities.

  3. -------------Yes but fish and salad it better------------------

  4. Well, of most of the methods of cooking it, rotisserie is has the least fat and a great flavor.

    If you don't eat the skin it's quite low in fat

  5. Heck yes!

  6. I get them sometimes when I don't feel like cooking.  For an extra buck or two, it sure saves a lot of hassle cooking in an oven.

  7. alot of protein, some fat. white meat is great for you.

  8. yes

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