
Is rubbing alcohol bad for your ear?

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I was cleaning my ear with a q-tip and then i got ear wax stuck in my ear so i put hydrogen peroxide and let it sit for a while and nothing happened so then i was constantly putting water down my ear still nothing then i mixed alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and water and after i put the alcohol in my ear i began to feel weird am I going to be alright?




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  2. First never clean your ear with a Q-tip because they will scratch your ear canal. If you are going to mix anything, use a little Peroxide, warm water and a little baking soda. Get yourself some ear wax softener which comes with a little syringe. After using the softener a couple days, when you are taking a shower, take the syringe, cup your hand, let water fill it then take the syringe and fill it with that water. Now squeeze the syringe after putting the end into the canal, not all the way in, and tilt your head to one side for it to drain back out. If nothing comes out, then use the softener a couple more days, then try again. If you use the mix, you have to use a syringe. I the water is to hot or to cold though, after several times you may feel dizzy. The water has to be luke warm. Read the directions on the softener. Good luck to you young lady.

  3. Yes  it's fine just use them separately not mixed. the alcohol drys the water that is probably what you were feeling.

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