
Is rugby going to be big in the U.S.?

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Is rugby going to be big in the U.S.?




  1. Nah, too much other competing stuff like the 'world' series, basketball and NFL...also Rugby Union is too tough for them - tee hee...have you seen that episode of Friends where Emily gets Ross to play Rugby with some of her friends?  hilarious!

  2. It will be good for the sport if that does happen. But set American interests and ways don't change easily. (They still use pounds, miles, inches, acres and heaven knows what other archaic concepts over there...)

  3. it will never take the place of the nfl

  4. hope is too rough...

  5. it will be big in the future because not to many people in the states know about it. They mostly only know about football if you know what i mean

  6. no, at the moment football is in america like rugby is in south africa. it can be seen as the national sport. then you also have baseball and basketball. these three sports leave no room for any real rugby to be played. and the part that rugby is more dangerous then football i can say that it isn't. a bunch of my friends play football and they will all testify that football is indeed a more dangerous game then rugby and much more "hurt" physically.

  7. The only way rugby will ever get big in the U.S. Is if they start getting more sponsors and start making it a professional sport like the rest of the big rugby playing countries. You also have to start it in the elementary schools.

  8. them girly boys are too scared too play without padding, i mean do you really think they would be able to handle 80 min of non stop pounding when they used to the stop start of nfl. i personally cant get used the idea that it takes so long to finish a game. lose the padding and play 2 halves instead of 4 qtrs and see how many finish

  9. Depends on the response Versus network has to the world cup starting this saturday at 3p.m. central time with highlights from th 7s game in San Diego

  10. i hope it does coz rugby gets alot of bad press because it isnt very popular. the usa rugby team atm is pretty good theyre really physical nd agressive

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