
Is rugby just a sport for fat blokes who cant play football?

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Is rugby just a sport for fat blokes who cant play football?




  1. Rugby players are tough and hard. (Be still my beating heart) They are much more tough than football players. Its a real mans game.

  2. I assume from your photo that you desperately want people to mistake you for a Gallagher brother and that by football you mean soccer. Never mind all the ponsy arguments about American Football vs. Real Football, if I write soccer there is no confusion. Soccer has to be the simplest game which is why it's the most popular. Rugby is played by fewer people around the world because it requires a greater commitment. Although in the England rugby union is largely an upper middle class sport, in Canada and the US and other parts of the world there are a large number of working class males who grew up playing ice hockey or football who find the physicality and social elements surrounding rugby subculture to be appealing. There are a lot of out of shape people playing the sport in North America due to the fact that the game is played at varying levels and hence while some commitment to specialized physical skills such as scrummaging, rucking, mauling, lifting, jumping, tackling is required fat dudes can find a spot in the pack on a 3rd or 4th team. At high levels incredible levels of physical fitness and strength are required. Some soccer players might be able to play at the skilled positions of scrum half, fly half, winger or full back but they would need to be a lot tougher. There is no room for feigning injuries in rugby. If you don't think rugby is a finesse game watch some 7's rugby. The only team sport that even comes close to the speed, skill and ball movement of 7's rugby is basketball played at an uptempo pace like the Phoenix Suns.

  3. No, it's for anyone who can take a hit and not roll around on the grass screaming.... like footballers.

    And it's for fans who can mix together in a stadium and not try to kill each other. Fans who can drink in the stadium, and fans that don't need segregated before, during, or after matches.... unlike football fans.

    In short, it's a game for people too intelligent to like football.

  4. In a word no.

    I would like you to try and find me a fat rugby player in the professional teams. Pretty much the same as in football really, but when you get to the amateur game, yep there are some bloaters just like in football.

    Rugby is a tougher game physically than football just from the nature of the impacts on the body and therefore a different type of fitness is required.

    The first time I went to an international rugby game the sound of the impact that two players made when they tackled each other was quite sickening actually but they get up and go back for more. They are fit beyond belief and have the stamina to match.

    Personally I think football is a bit of a hairdressers game but that is my opinion, I prefer the physicality of rugby.

    Your question was about fitness not about preferences and in truth professionally they are both fit as butchers dogs and fitness in amateur leagues can vary dramatically.

  5. cant imagine any of the girlie footballers in the premiership being able to last half a rugby match......

  6. you got it wrong  - it's the fat blokes who play football

  7. Nope.They not wearing protective gear like football.and they play much more hard than football

  8. Well of course it is .. just big burly blokes with weird ears who go around nestling their heads up their team-mates backside on a regular basis .. no wonder they all look like theyve swallowed a bloody bumblebee .. and so what if all the girls reckon they fancy them .. whose gonna pull in a bar ... Lawrence Delaglio or Ronaldo?? Actually, i'll put Paul Scholes up against that bloke and scolesey would come out with a few lovelies for sure !!

  9. I think you placed football and rugby in the wrong place order, it's a man's game. We don't need agents,physios, and hairdressers on the field when we get injured, just a wet flannel, and that is only when it is really needed.

    Besides, you need to have some brain power to play rugby.

  10. There are three 'tough' sports for 'real' men.

    British Style Rugby, Australian Rules Football and American Ice Hockey.

    I would like to see you insult any one who plays either of these games face to face.

  11. Actually, I now play football because I'm too fat and knackered to play rugby anymore.

  12. I don't know if you R talking about FOOTBALL or American Football. If you R talking About USA Footy then you are very mistaken. Rugby is a very tough game, no pads - no helmets, more skill involved, in fact I think USA football is just Wussy Rugby!

    If U R talking about Football as in soccer, then I think football a more skillful game. But I doubt a football player could last half a game of Rugby.

  13. You should try watching super league, no fatties.

    They get up after been hit and go off and hit somebody else.

    These fellas dont wanna play puffy footie, they wanna dish out some pain.

  14. No football is for weaklings who are too feeble to play rugby.   "Oh no, I've broken a finger nail!  I'd better roll around on the floor crying until the team manicurist runs out with a nail file for me"

  15. They just find all food scrummy.

  16. why you thinking of joining

  17. Rugby is for guys who can take a hit as well as dish them out. Football is for (guys) and can dish out, but fall to the ground clutching their shin whenever someone brushes against them. In rugby, you get to hit someone without trying to make it look like an accident.

  18. no it's for REAL men

  19. Who's fatter, rugby player or football player!

  20. maybe at the club level, but in the professional ranks, you would be hard pressed to find any player that couldn't keep up with most footballers, I am from Canada, and i must say that both sports are amazing, i have played both competitively and played Rugby in the First division in my province, which is realistically 3rd division in the UK, but still good rugby, my club has hosted many touring junior sides and i have even had the pleasure of playing against Rory Best (one of Ireland's Hookers).

    Rugby Players are real men, I personally think that if football would do what they are supposed to do and penalize diving players, over time you would see better quality of play.

    and to one of the guys that listed the three men sports... please don't call it "american Ice Hockey" it is just hockey or Ice hockey. And to call it american is an insult to the country that created it. CANADA!!!

  21. Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!Hilarious ....

  22. no its for posh blokes who think it looks macho

  23. Hello this is MR Cash

    Soccer is a sport for the physiaclly challanged!!

    Its a sport where men whine like ladies when they get a little hurt!!

  24. No its for real men who want to play a contact sport rather than guys who just roll around on the floor when they get a little knock!!!!

    I don't think i have ever seen a fat rugby player, and i have been watchin rugby leauge (Leeds Rhinos) for 14 years!!!!

    I bet rugby lads are a bit fitter than puffy footballers!!!

    All futti lads du is just run around kicing a ball around, and making a big deal out of everything!!!

    So no your question is wrong...!!!!

  25. Rugby takes skill and expertise..... Ah I was thinking of football you're right it just takes a thug with a ball and some boots.  Lets all have a fight on a muddy field and call it sport.

  26. You must be joking.......have you seen the fit men that play rugby league......i enjoy watching both sports but rugby league is for real men, it's a hard game.

  27. The great thing about rugby is that anyone can play it. fat or thin, big or  small.  I'm a Gloucester boy, and playing the round ball game is rather frowned upon down there.  Rugby is definitely a working class sport down our way.

  28. I think its more that they are real sportsmen who cannot either act and pretend to be injured like crying babies for soccer, or need to wear armour in the colonial football...... good question though, did your helper type for you?

  29. Some of us had to play egg chasing at school. I'm not fat either.

  30. ha ha ha thats a great question

  31. Without doubt the real skill is with the footballers

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