
Is rugby on TV in America?

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I give anything to see European rugby; however, I can't find it on TV. I mean they'll show ping pong, why not my sport?




  1. Actually here are a lot of Americans that play rugby.  You can find a club in just about every city in the US and most of the universities as well.  There are over 50 clubs just in Michigan alone including High School boys and girls, University men's and women's, and men's and women's clubs!

    I used to watch the games on FOX Sports World, but I can't find any listings other than the FOX soccer channel.  You should find your local Rugby team (there is a link to USA Rugby were you can search for a club) and drop an e-mail to ask them if and where they watch games.  Usually there will be an Irish Pub somewhere that will show games, if not live somebody might have a recording of recent matches.

    It looks like you can download games through Rugby Channel.  This is new to me, I haven't tried it yet.

  2. yes direct tv has a rugby channel you can order and sometimes college sports television CSTV covers it

  3. I've never seen it on TV.  Surprisingly enough, Americans don't play it (except in prep school) and aren't interested in watching it.

  4. nope. just watch real football and learn to like it. when in rome, do as the romans do

  5. yeah you can get it on cable or satellite - or pay per view on the P.C

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