
Is rugby the right sport for me?

by Guest33818  |  earlier

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I really want to go for rugby but my family and friends think its not the right sport for me. I am small for a 12 year old and if I go for it i dont know if i will regret it. First, I need to get in shape lol but how can train/prepare for rugby?




  1. Ummmmm you are 12...If you are scared of playing against big guys play weight restricted rugby.

  2. Anyone can play rugby. My best friend plays scrum half and she's a tiny little asian lol. You definitely won't regret trying it, but if you don't give it a shot, you might regret it one day. You have nothing to lose. For starters, definitely get in shape. Work on your conditioning by running everyday. Try to run a longer distance everyday. Rugby is a game of endurance. You don't need to be the fastest player in order to be a great player. The hands and stuff will come later, but the conditioning may take a while so I suggest starting with that. Have fun! =)

  3. You'll need to gain some muscle but if you like the sport I say go for it!

  4. dont listen to what they ahve to say....nomatter your size shape or abiltiy there is a position for you..and your only 112 for gods sakes....your still growing duhh...i know agirl who is 5' and weighs 90lbs nad she plays rugby ona high school team.....the most important thing is to be smart about he game..educate yourself know the rules read books articles and youtube...the next most important thing is your legs..get them in shape.....your only 12 so weight lifting is outta the ? lunges squats and plymoetrics with no weights and run 3 miles 3 times a week with some sprint some pushups and situps (u should use  amedicine ball) and thats all you really need. once you have fully grown at about 18..then you can do some weight lifting..but by then you will be a seasoned and smart rugby player...good luck and hope this helps...being a smaller person mean you need to make sure you are fast agile and evasive....but above all smart.

  5. If you know what you are getting in to, then go for it. I would advise you to play wing for someone your size. Rugby is more about speed than size. You just need to get quick and you will be untouchable.


  7. I am a pretty small rugby player compared to all of the other players basically in the nation, but because I can make a good tackle, and can take one, my size doesn't matter.

    Definitly work on your speed because you will most likely be a back.  You can be pretty small, but the faster you are the harder it is for bigger girls to catch you.

  8. i know a 95 lbs, 5'0 girl that plays and shes 35 yrs old!  there really is a spot on the team for everyone.  i know here in the states, the high school girls teams dont do much contact.  they do tackle, but scrums are either uncontested or strictly monitored.  to prepare- id say work on your eye- hand coordination and get yourself a ball to play with.  agility skills would be great too- running a ladder/ tires/ hurdles, around cones- that kind of thing.  make sure you stay fit by running.  and keep stretching- a flexible, agile body works better on the field and heals quicker.  12 is pretty young to be lifting weights, so i'd check with a personal trianer beforehand.  you wouldnt want to be doing damage to a growing body.  

    playing rugby was one of the best decision ive made- its more than a sport- i've met the best friends ever... out of all my college buddies, my rugby ones are really the only ones i keep up with 12 years later.  good luck!

  9. Rugby is for anyone (boy or girl), of any size, weight or fitness level!.

    when i was eight i made the decision to leave soccer and start rugby, and i never regreted it. you will need some good, sturdy boots, and a mouthguard. buy a ball and pass or kick it with some friends or by yourself. watch the game on tv and get to now the rules and positions. join a local club (with a mate if nervous) the only way to find out if rugby is for you is by giving it a go!!!

  10. It really depends on if you like contact sports or not.

    But to prepare you could run, I don't really know what else you could do though, ?

  11. I think it's great that you are deciding to get in to sport, after all it's great for your fitness and social life. What's even greater is that your taking an intrest in Rugby because it's great! I started playing rugby at 9 and now I'm 16 and have no intention of stopping. You should deffinatley try it, if you don't like it, don't worry about it and just know that it least you had a shot at it. Size isn't everything and you go to your local club, or womens rugby club i'm sure you'll find your'e not that small. To get into shape just do the obvious- running, because trust me you'll be doing alot of it. If you want to get a bit stronger just do a few press ups ( the girl way obviously) every day and do as many as you feel you can and increase it over time. Make sure you don't over do it though- you're only twelve and still growing.

    Finally if you're bothered what people will say, lads in particular may do because rugby isn't exactly femanine just tell them to shove it and be confident in the knowledge that soo n you'll probably be fitter and stronger than them lol

    Gud luck!

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