
Is rugby union getting more popular in north american colleges ,and if so ,why do you think that is?

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Is rugby union getting more popular in north american colleges ,and if so ,why do you think that is?




  1. rugby union has always been played by colleges and educational institutions in the u.s.

    the sport is very popular in the boston area,in quite a lot of new england actually.

    it received a boost from the fact that the italians,french,irish and british brought it with them.

    the u.s national team,the eagles,have been drawn in the same group as england for the upcoming RU world mate never tires of telling me that the u.s are still the reigning olympic rugby champions as they won the title the last time it was part of the games.

    there remain dedicated enthusiasts from both codes who run their clubs and enjoy their sport in the face of impossible odds as the country in general prefers its own sports.

  2. I don't know whether it's getting popular in US colleges but I hope it does.

    Well, rugby I feel is no nonsense sport unlike it's US equal and a truly international one. It's a flowing game and some thing which real men (and women) play.

    It's the ultimate blood and guts. One of the most beautiful and more importantly a well disciplined of all sports in the world.

  3. It's more accessible.  The football team at most large universities is composed of elite athletes who have been specifically recruited by the school to play football.  If you want to play a contact sport, but aren't big or fast enough to play football at a major college, there is still the chance to play rugby.  It's more about participation by students, whereas football is about highly paid professionals gathering together young mercenaries for the "glory" of the institution.

    That's pretty much how I started.  As a 220 lb tackle in high school, that doesn't really translate into a D1 college football player.  I wanted to do a sport, preferably one that would let me run around and hit people, and rugby was the perfect option.  It helped that it emphasized participation...even though I hadn't a clue what was going on, I could learn the game playing on the second team.  A freshman football player who wasn't ready for much playing time would have to endure the drudgery of practice with the reward of suiting up and standing on the sideline.

    Also, rugby in the US is really emphasizing the future by pouring resources into youth rugby.  When I was in high school, there was NO chance to play rugby, and nearly all of the freshmen on the college team had no experience whatsoever.  Now there are many youth clubs, and so as these students graduate and going to college they are providing a large pool of players.

    Finally, the women's college game is growing as universities learn that it is an inexpensive sport that will help with Title IX compliance.

  4. All thoughs reasons are correct, i played Rugby in the US 7 years ago, it was growing than.

  5. I really dont understand why the USA likes football so much, rugby is way better. Football takes forever, i mean they play for like two seconds then the ball touches the ground and they have to start all over again and they get nowhere. Whats the point.  and even though the USA is starting to play rugby most Americans still dont even know what rugby is.

  6. the game is probably more popular in colleges than in proffesional leagues, as they are not dictated to by the TV companies. As these matches are more for people to go to the ground to watch, they don't need to stop for adverts every 30 seconds.

  7. Not living in N. America, I can't answer the first part of your question, but I do know the second part.

    In Rugby Union it's not enough to be fit and strong; you have to be able to think too.  There are so many options all the time and it's a challenge to decide whether to run, pass, kick, or take a tackle.  

    Also, anyone can find a position in the team where they can contribute.

    Also, because of the physical nature of the game there has to be an emphasis on self-control and discipline.  Hard but fair, as they say.  This leads to a mutual respect between the players, and the fans, which builds up the social side of the sport like no other game.

    We're looking forward to meeting the Eagles.  Good luck to them.

  8. Because it's an international game, unlike American football.

    The USA now has more rugby clubs than Australia & NZ combined!!

  9. Rugby Union IS getting more popular in North America, i'm a new zealander playing rugby in Calgary, Alberta in Canada.  My first year, 2004, we had one mens and one womens team at the school and this year we have 4 mens teams, 2 womens teams and are going to compete at nationals in Ontario.  The game is getting more popular because of its social atmosphere. Students are getting tired of football players who beleive that you have to hate your opposition to win, which is not true at all. Also, rugby is cheaper, the only equipment you buy in rugby is a pair of boots.

  10. It is a much better game than that grid iron rubbish where the game lasts for around 5 hours and the ball is in play for around half an hour.The rest of the time is spent in meetings.

    The players have so much padding it's ridiculous.

    Rugby (Union of course) is by far the better game and the Yanks are beginning to realise it.

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