
Is running a mile everyday before practice a GOOD or BAD way to condition for volleyball?

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Our coach for volleyball has us run a timed mile everyday in pre-season and all during the season. Nobody enjoys doing it, but is even helping? Could it be making us worse? Also, could the fact that it's before practice be hampering our performance? What could be some alternative conditioning?




  1. i understand where shes coming from, but i dont think a mile before every practice is benificial. Running does increase stamina and endurance, but after your done the mile, you wont be able to perform and focus on skills and fine tuning.

  2. start with light jogging then work your way up

  3. Exercising is always good!  I'm not quite sure about the whole vertical thing but i'm sure it can't hurt that much!!  And sure you don't have to practice the mile every day just maybe every 2 days or  something like that!  And you always need to be fast on the volleyball courts....especially setters!!!! :)

  4. it should be helping because on my team we run laps and sprints before practice.    

    overall it should be building your endurance and it helps u stay awake because most of the time after u excercise your bod y is more awake

  5. Sounds to me like it's work, so you don't want to do it.  If you don't like it, quit.  The coach is in charge, and if you decide to second guess his/her methods, you probably won't have to quit!!

    By the way....OF COURSE it's good for you.  It's what they call a "workout", and it increases your conditioning and stamina!!

  6. bad the thing is if you run alot your legs will start cramping and if you run for a long time then you will be ok well better short, bad long

  7. Hmm, I played for a long time and we did distance runs in off & pre-season but sprints and weight training (leg presses, leg lifts, ab stuff) in season. The theory being that you really are sprinting a max of 30 feet. I found that running distance didn't really hurt my vertical too badly but I also did more vertical exercises than most people (front row player).

    Do lots of work on your core muscles--that will help SO so much!  You use them in volleyball more than you think--it isn't all about jumps or arm strength!

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