
Is running all about focusing and not talking to yourself out loud or in the mind?

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I ran the mile and got 7:18. It decreased 22 seconds from yesterday. All i did was focused on my running and I did'nt talk to myself in my mind or out loud. Is running about focusing on decreasing your time?




  1. I constantly talk to myself in my mind and sometime out loud too. Talking is HOW I say focused. Talk all you want if it helps. If it doesn't help then don't.

  2. You have to focus on your breathing. Two steps - inhale, two steps - exhale.

  3. Running is a unique sport in that you are the only one who can really control the outcome. Do Not talk out loud while running. This is just wasting oxygen that should be used for tired muscles. Any mental help you need, keep it in your head. If you are running on the mile on a 1/4 mile track focus on one lap at a time and your pace. I ran in high school and I did the best when I was the most focused on my body and my leg turn over. You can really push yourself mentally and physically by truly focusing. One hint: keep your face relaxed. Let all the muscles in your face down and relaxed. Don't clench your jaw or keep your cheeks tight. By relaxing your face your body follows and makes running much easier without much effort. Hope this helps!

  4. Depends. When your on training runs, I find talking in my head to help a lot, and it makes the miles go by fast. When racing, I find that if I think too much I start second guessing myself, and talking myself out of my goals. But talking in your head can also help, if you think about positive things. Like in some of my races I think of a phrase, quote, or an inspirational song that I just say to myself over and over again, which helps a lot. I think what really helps, is just running in the moment, and not thinking too much about the past or the rest of the race, and to just focus on running fast in the moment. You know in cartoons they always have the devil on one shoulder, and the angel on the other, I think its kind of like that. One side of your mind is convincing you to quit, and the other is inspiring you and pushing you to run all out. I think the trick is to try and silence the side that tells you to quit, and that tells you how much pain your in. I think if you decreased by that much in one day by just focusing on your race, and that works for you, thats great!

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