
Is running bad for you?

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I am a freshman in high school and I am going to run xcountry. I have been runing, and I am prety good at it. I was wondering, is it really bad for you? Also, why is it so hard to straiten your legs after you run?




  1. If it's bad for you, then eating McDonalds must be healthy.

  2. Its not bad for you. Your muscles in your legs are sore, thats why you cant straiten them after a run, so make sure to stretch.

  3. Running is bad for you if only the runner does stupid things like running in the sweltering heat, running with an injury (can do permanent damage), not hydrating, running in a storm listening to an Ipod (can get struck by a lightening), an anerexic running (malnurished) get the idea.

    The reason your legs are hard to straighten after your run is that the muscles are contracting, you need cool down by walking abit and doing gentle stretches.

  4. no

  5. running is excellent for you.  its one of the top physical activities.  its prob hard to straighten your legs after a run b/c your not used to it and b/c you need to stretch more b/f and after.

  6. running is the best workout for you besdies swimming and s*x!

  7. The health benefits of running overwhelmingly outweigh the risks.

    The most profound risks are associated with running in traffic.

    You stand to benefit in every aspect from weight control to more energy, physical appearance, stamina, etc.

    You can and will become sore when running.  Some of this is the accumulation of metabolic waste from exertion.

  8. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

  9. ofcourse running is not bad for you. its great excercise. and you cant straiten your legs cus yo have a pump or your just tired just stretch before and after runin

  10. no running is GREAT for you.

    you need to stretch right after you run

  11. Running is good aerobic exercise, gets the heart rate up. Make sure to buy a really good pair of shoes and if possible run on soft ground (like grass) instead of concrete or asphalt as it is horrible on the knee's

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