
Is running causing me to get less periods?

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I am on varsity track and crosscountry and I only get my period about every three months or maybe less. I don't know if it is from running everyday and being athletic.... Is this bad? Will it change my size or is it bad for me?




  1. iv heard of many girls having this problem id suggest talking to a docter

    im sure ur fine tho

    good luck

  2. I run track (i am a guy) but a bunch of girls on my team had the same thing and once season ended they were back to regular so yes its completly fine.

  3. its becuase you are annoerxic

  4. you're fine, most runners have irregular and infrequent periods.  mine's crazy, sometimes i won't get it for months and other times i'll get it a few times per month.

  5. i know track and cheerleading both throw mine off, but i usually don't miss it. if you nare not having your period, it may be from not enough body fat, your muscle has take place of your fat. if it doesn't go back to normal, you may want to see a doctor.

  6. It is a very common condition among female athletes. it is known as ammenhorea. It is not good for you over the long term, although occasionally missed periods should not be too big a deal.

    Many of the women i used to run with took birth control pills to ensure regular menstruation. Paying extra attention to diet and caloric intake may also help.

  7. I have a similar issue. I'm 18; I first got my period when I was 14/15, and my cycle has been irregular since. I'll get my period once every 3-6 months sometimes; it's completely spontaneous. I don't get cramps either, and I when I do get my period, I bleed for about a week and a half to two weeks. Inconsistent periods usually result from stress and/or changes in diet/weight and exercise. Athletes tend to get their periods very infrequently. In fact, the best sprinter on my track team gets hers once a year. If you're really concerned about an unpredictable cycle, I'd suggest seeking help from a medical professional:)

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