
Is running everyday bad!!?

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If I run for 30-45 min. everyday is that bad!!

I know running is good but I mean EVERYDAY!!

its to lose weight




  1. d**n GOOD !!!

    wear good shoes..!!! real running shoes!!!

  2. thats too much exercise. you could be considered anemic.

    you should take 1-2 days off a week.

    running everyday could hurt you in the long run. i.e. shin splints, knee problems, injuries like that.

  3. if you are young, and still growing, it is bad. doing it everyday is good, but if you get sore or your leg(s) hurt, stop, and don't run tommorrow. i know someone who loved to run so much, but she didn't stop when her foot hurt, and now her foot has a small fracture and she hasnt been able to run for over half a year. keep it in moderation.

  4. if this is to loose weight  you have chosen one the best way to loose weight as long as you are on a healthy  dight as well  as for running every day  sounds like you are really going for it  you feel great at fist but as time gos by it will wear you down  as i found out the hard way  i would do no  than 4 or five days a week  good luck  

  5. Running is really good for you and everyone should run everyday.

  6. noo its not bad at allllll

    you get more energy, you get fit, and you get stronger

    <3 kyleekins

  7. i have no clue

  8. You should take Sundays off so your muscles can recover.

  9. no, running everyday is fine.  i run everyday, don't listen to the people who are saying that you HAVE to take a day off every week.  it all depends on the person, some people can't handle running everyday and some recover well and can run everyday without getting injured.  just make sure that you take some easier days, especially if you had a hard workout the day before.

  10. Its best to  take at least 1 day off during the week or maybe 2. It will let your body catch up  

  11. No, not at all. I run everyday (well 6 days a week) and I am fine.

  12. Looks like you are getting some contradictory advice.  My own two cents: don't run everyday.  First you need some recovery.  Running breaks muscle down it needs a chance to heal.  Two:  other activities make sure you are working all your muscle groups.  Weight training (core training) will make you a better runner.  Yes the elites run everyday but you are a fitness runner trying to lose weight.  You don't need to run everyday to accomplish that and you risk injury but never giving yourself a day off.

  13. It definitely wouldn't hurt to take a day off. The way exercise works is that you go running, and by straining them so hard, yourmuscles in your leg tear. That's why you feel sore. But then, when they heal, they're stronger. You should take a day off each week to give them a chance to fully heal, because if you don't then you could become overworked, and collapse or something.

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