
Is running for 1HOUR STRAIGHT a day 7 days a week a good way to stay FIT and ACTIVE

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Also is it dangerous to do such a thing without taking a day break???

And further more, CAN I LOOSE WEIGHT FAST?????




  1. ok here are 3 tips that helped almost everyone i know get fit.

    1) Eat Healthily (have servings of vegetables in at least 2/3 of your meals)

    -Who says salt and preservatives are unhealthy, all in moderation


    I wont say run 1 hour straight, but run 1 km first, then cool down by jogging on the spot, then running another kilometer. If the place where you run has an exercise corner(like log raisers), use it.

    3)Rest up.

    When u exercise, your body is strained. You need to rest, along with the food you have eaten to build up your body.

  2. running is good for you as long as your knees and feet can take it ... to the poster who said run 5 miles , duh a person can run 5 miles in an hour pretty easily

  3. well if you like to lose fat and not gain weith, you have to run 5 miles daly, if you like to maintine your current weith run 1 hour a day, if you like to do extreme atlee beyond the rest do 20 miles daly

  4. 1. Running 1 hour per day, 7 days a week, is a good way to stay fit and active if you are an experienced runner. If you are not and new to running you have to start with shorter distances or switch between walking and running. You should also take a rest minimum 1 day per week. I suggest running 3 days, 1 day off, running 3 days... if you are very fit and don't need a real day off, you should really not running, but maybe change to biking, swimming or just walking and stretching.

    2. Loose weight fast is not only dependent on your running. First of all is important what and how much you eat. How many calories is your daily input, how much calories do you burn per day. If you are running 1 hour per day you will burn about 600 calories additional. Only these 600 calories are about 84 grams you would lose. I don't know what kind of work you do, so it's difficult to say how many calories you burn per day. But I guess it will be between 3000 and 3400 per day including your running. So if you make for some days a 1000 calories diet, you can lose 2000 calories per day (280 grams)... so as you see its not so easy, but you can do...

  5. osvaldo doesn't really know what he is talking about. "to lose fat and not gain weight run 5 maintain weight run 1 hour"? I run 10 miles in an hour. Anyway that is not important, to answer your question, yes it is a good way to stay fit, but you really should take one day off per week to give your body a rest. you will probably lose weight, but it might not be as fast as you think it will be. it is a slow build-up that you need to be patient for. some people on this site are like "i have been running 30 min a day for a week, why haven't i lost very much weight?" you need to be patient when using running for weight loss, it is effective though.

  6. Running for an hour a day is perfect provided you take 1 day rest.  How fast you lose weight has more to do with your diet and intensity, but it sure can take the weight off quickly.

    Good Luck

  7. Whatever you do, do something you can sustain or your weight will yo-yo.  

    Running every day is eventually going to wear on your bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.  You should take at least two rest days a week.

  8. I say you run everyday except Sundays, one hour straight is pretty good, but it depends on how fast your running, so I suggest you run with a friend, which is always fun. You can't lose weight fast, unless its long term, one summer i lost about 8 lbs, with Cross Country, and I just started training, at the end of the Summer I saw a big change in my weight. Run stairs too, those help, run with weights, they tend to help you lose weight faster and also add muscles at te same time and when you stop wearing weights or carrying them, you will feel lighter and faster. Good Luck!

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