
Is running on a treadmill different from running on land?

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Ive heard they are different, like a mile is less on a treadmill than a mile on land, is there a difference?




  1. yes

  2. The difference is that you use different muscles when on land in order to cope with the shape of the ground. This, therefore, will make you more sore.

  3. Yes, different muscles are used to a different extent. With a treadmill, the belt is partially propelling your leg backwards. When you are running 'on land', your leg is doing more work to propel your body.

    Also your ankles and knees are less stressed because of the even running surface on the treadmill. Roads and sidewalks provide constant variation and so build more muscles.

    A mile is a mile anywhere, but the effort on a treadmill is equivalent to less than a mile on a road.

  4. Yes, different surface. You can't make a treadmill softer but you could switch to softer ground if you have joint issues. Also, some may be awkward with treadmills and find them difficult so they won't get as much of a workout if they had done it the old-fashioned way. Some people may get bored by the scenery never changing and get more motivated outdoors, hence a better workout. You can make a treadmill more punishing though by doing inclines. You can jog on a treadmill indoors no matter what the weather is like outdoors, unless the power went out. Stairmaster/schmairmaster, my brother never joined a gym, just ran up and down the stairs in the house. Noisy but effective.

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