
Is running on the track more helpful than running cross country? and are legs supposed to sweat while running?

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need help to improve my running regimen TT




  1. I have been running competitively for two years now and I find that running cross country helps to get my times on and off the track down. As for leg sweating yes that's completely normal your legs just like every other part of your body has sweat glands so don't worry about that.

  2. running cross country is probably better as you may be runnign up hills which would work your gastrocnemius and gluteus maximus. not sure bout legs sweating though, mine just hurt and feel hot when i stop running

  3. More helpful for what?

    It is best if  you run regularly, so what is more convenient for you is best.

    If  you are talking about general overall conditioning then cross country is better, rather than running around a track.

    Your legs along with the rest of your body will sweat at the same time, but you normally don't notice.

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