
Is running the best ?

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thing to do to loose all around body weight ?

i have the determination, I'm not a fat person i just have like a little gut and love handles, which i hate but I'm willing to work my body all over.

i've heard running is the best exercise,

i will run every night

how much do i run ?

and what are other good exercises ?




  1. yes running is the best..only thing that i think that beats that would prabably be jump roping.

  2. If you want to lose weight fast and tone up those problem areas hit the free weights or machines.  Also when you run try this little trick, sprint for 30 or so seconds to get your heartrate up, then back off to a jog til it slows then sprint again, repeating at least for 20 minutes then finish off your run at a level pace. Weight exercises for tummy and hips, try squats, keep that back straight and the abs tucked it will work all muscle groups from the waist down.

  3. Running is hard on your joints and not user friendly when you first start.  Swimming is the best total body workout.  But if you don't live near water then... well. I myself ride a bicycle.  If you ride about 5 to 10 miles as many days a week as you can it will yield good results.  Perhaps you could commute to work on a bicycle?  I have not owned a vehicle since 1996, I'm 150LBs and can eat anything I want to.  But I bicycle everywhere.

  4. yes running is good but swimmin is great too!  Its a great workout to build muscles and its good for cardio:)

  5. Running is extremely hard on your joints if you really want to burn some fat, try swimming or water aerobics more work involved in find a pool but it is worth it

  6. yup cardio's the way to go, i believe running and swimming are the best, but running is easier to do every day, since you don't have to get in a lap pool and such.

    if you haven't been running recently, aim for 20 minutes a day at whatever pace, taking breaks, for about a week. then i'd move on to distance, aiming for at least a mile a day, and if that's easy, increase the milage, or aim for a faster mile time. to lose weight, go for 60 minutes a day of full out cardio, but don't stress it, once you see some muscle come in you'll be quite proud of yourself! :)

  7. swimming is the BEST. it works out EVERY muscle in your body

    you should try running and swimming :)

  8. you should run a mile or 2

  9. Running and walking is a very good exercise routine. You should run 15-30 minutes a day. It doesn't have to one period either. It could be at separate times just as long as the total adds up to that certain number you want between 15 and 30.

  10. no swimming is the best exercise as its aerobic and doesn't jar the joints or muscles.... can you swim?

  11. Running is a great overall exercise for your body, but over time you might experience pain since it's rather taxing on your body in general. Swimming is a freeweight alternative to running that can do just the same things. It's cardio, tones muscle, etc. I enjoy swimming laps much more than I do running. Give it a try for a couple of weeks and see if you notice improvements.

  12. Swimming is the BEST.

    Bicycling is good also.

    Less wear and tear on the joints.

  13. Running is hard on your knees. A good balance between cardio and weight training is best - along with proper diet and nutrition.

  14. Well I am a swimmer and I can tell you that swimming everyday for an hour can help ALOT and it is the fastes way to lose weight and gain muscle and abs. If you dont have a pool near you then running is a really good way to lose weight too, it can hurt your knees though. So I recomend rinning when up and jugging when going down. If you are running on flat I recommend running and or jugging backwards (That helps with relaxing some muscles when getting tierd) Another thing that I asure will help is drink lots of fresh water, LOTS :D

    And last I will tell you a secret for geting amazing abs and that is bicycle kick on your back while doing some crunches.

    Running- 1 to 1:30 hours

    Crunches- 50 up a day  

  15. Well before you run you should work out a lil bit. But if not that's fine just stretch before you run. And yes running is the best way for you to lose the parts u wanna lose. But keep in mind that if you do lose the weight you want, you will probably lose some other parts too.If you havem't started running you can start out 15 minutes a night or day or whenever. And once you get in more shape, start adding more minutes to it and you'll eventually see your results. hope that helped. =)

  16. Running is great for burning calories, but it can be pretty hard on the body (especially the knees), even more so if you are overweight.  

    If you want to get into running, do a search for the Couch-to-5k program, and it will give you some good workouts without pushing yourself too hard.

    Jump roping is also really good for burning calories.

    You should also weight lift, along with whatever cardio exercise you are getting, which will also aid in weight loss.

  17. Running is probably close to the best cardio you can do for your body.  But if you are not eating right, it will do nothing for you.

    Other activities are swimming, bicycling etc.

    Remember, calories in minus calories out is good if that number is negative, but if you take it too far you will hurt yourself!!!

    You can figure out roughly what your BMR is by many different calculators online.

    Once you get that, you need to figure out your normal activity and add it to your BMR.

    Then finally, add your exercise calories.

    If you are not eating enough calories based on your current weight and activity level, you will end up burning muscle instead of fat (your ultimate goal).  Burning muscle hurts you cause you will lower your metabolism and burn less calories in a day!  It takes work for your body to keep muscle (repairing it and building it), so it is the first to go if your body thinks its not getting enough calories!

    Try going to the forum on there has excellent advice and the whole program does a really good in helping you be away of how many calories your putting in and how many you should be burning off!

    I have a few of my “close to overweight” Marines on it and it has worked wonders for them!  Including two that are having a tough time losing their weight after a pregnancy!!!

  18. yes, running is the best

    i run about 50 minutes a day *20min in the morning and 30 min at night* and lost the gut and love handles real quick but itf its too much you can just run just 20-30 minutes a day and thatll be fine too

    also crunches and sit ups are good too. so once you lose the gut anf love handle you'll have a nice 6 pac waiting for you

  19. Running and walking is the best,

    because you breathing in and out deeply

    can help you loose some bodyfat.
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