
Is running your car with water by making your own reactor a realistic option? or is a scam?

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water4gas and a few other websites claim they have found the answer on how to run a car with water by making your own small reactor that converts the water into brown gas does this really work without out any other fuel supplement? If it does is there enough energy coming out to run your car and produce enough electric to continue the conversion or is it all a myth?




  1. Actually its a fact when cars was first being made. People was scared of the water blowing up on them, and thats why we have gasoline cars today. go figure they was worried about exploding water not gas

  2. I have no idea what "brown gas" is.  You can separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, and then burn them again as you would fuel.  But separating them via electrolysis takes more energy than you get out of burning them, so you would never be able to use the process to run a car economically.  Anyone that claims they can has either won the Nobel Prize for physics, or is trying to scam you.

  3. opition and has been done

  4. Excellent point john b!

    Perhaps part of the reason this technology is not widely available is the scepticism, as evidenced by this thread. The process is nothing new...over 90 yrs old actually. The water4gas ebooks are expensive(to some) but are great value. Not just for the fact that they provide full instructions to build your own device, but the information about the history of the technology, links to other resources etc should be enough to convince most! Over 300 pages, very well presented. Comes with an 8 week money back guarantee, which is enforced by their payment processor Clickbank. CB has been in business over 9 years, and always honours refund requests. The seller has no control over this process.

    I am looking at importing the product made in Canada by SaveFuel. This company produces units ranging from 20 liters/hr gas production to 200 liters/hr for commercial vehicles. They have been marketing these for some 3 years, and offer a 2 yr guarantee. If the process was impractical, would they still be in business?

    Please be aware we are not talking about 100% water as fuel, but supplemental hydrogen production. It does provide substantial cost savings when used as directed. Very little energy is used in the electrolysis...about 2 volts on the smaller units. One liter of water will produce over 1800 liters of combustible gas.

    Maybe when governments and commercial interests implement ways to tax us for the true value of this latent energy in water, we will see more of these units being marketed. Don't expect the price to be so cheap once that happens!

  5. Here we go again, can’t and won’t work, all they are doing is taking electrical power from the alternator to break water in to hydrogen and oxygen.

    Brown gas is a mix of hydrogen and oxygen, but I've seen it called HHO, or they claim to break down hydrogen-oxide, Dihydrogen monoxide or DHMO, hydroxic acid or hydroxylic acid, or as I like to call it water. You get less energy out then you put in. IT’S been TESTED and IT DOESN’T WORK! Every time this device is tested it fails badly.

    I could go into why it can’t work and will if you wish, but just think about this, even if you believe the auto manufacturing companies are in bed with big oil, why hasn’t say India put it on their cars, or Japan and country that imports ALL it’s oil jumped on this? Or did big oil get to them too? You mean to tell me big oil got to every country that makes cars and they all sold out, come on, if really helped you’d see them on cars right now, the car companies have to make the CAFÉ numbers.

    This is just a con to part you from your money.


    Worked out the math here you go.

    Assuming your engine is in perfect tune, you get about 20%-to 37% the energy you put into it back as work, you lose about 7% to friction and the rest is lost in the cooling system and exhaust. Now assuming your alternator is 55% efficient, and let do the math.

    Gasoline has a BTU of 18,000 per pound.

    So now we have 18,000 BTU to play with, assuming we have a very efficient engine we start with 18,000 times your engine efficiency so 18000 x 37% we now have 6660 Btu then assuming we have an alternator that is 55% efficient our 6660 now becomes 3663 BTU. So to break EVEN that 3663 BTU must produce 18,000 BTU of hydrogen, and to increase your fuel mileage it MUST make more.

    I know they told you the alternator is wasting electricity, it isn’t, when you don’t need as much electricity your alternator doesn’t put it out and thus doesn’t use as much power from the engine. But there is NO way for 3663 BTUs to make 18000 BTU if it could you would be making more power then you use

  6. hmm, the whole thing sounds a little shady.  yet i have heard that diesel engines can run on oil from fryers, so who knows?     definitely do a thorough examination of the site and it's claims before potentially destroying your car.

  7. I think that eventually, it will be a viable source of energy for your car.

  8. I am waiting for a commercial offering that can be tested by the public. My inclination is to doubt it, but I say go ahead with it and let's see it work.

    I have no fear of the safety of the device as proposed.

    Many years back we had a water injector that would allow a car to run with an elevated compression ratio, without ping. The problem with it was that it was being promoted as a way to get power from water. What the water did was absorb compression heat enough to avoid ping, and deliver it on the power stroke as steam pressure... sure it worked, in a way.

  9. it is a scam

    someone i know got one of the kits and we hooked it up to a battery and put a match to the out put nothing happened.

  10. It is a scam. If it could work u would have perpetual motion and it would cost nothing.Most times in the transition of energy from one form to the other u will have about 40% loss.

  11. There's something out there called a 'Joe cell' that appears to produce hydrogen from water, and it SEEMS to violate Conservation of Energy. The problem with it is that it doesn't appear to be entirely consistent. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. IF it works, it's somehow tapping zpe. The lower temperature than usual is the giveaway.

  12. I've no idea what brown gas is, but separating the hydrogen in water from the oxygen is a relatively simple process. The car could then use hydrogen as fuel.

  13. I know you think this old re-thread is a scam and that you've heard it before. But the exhaust water left over actually cures paralysis and Infantigo and adds points to your IQ. And the testing has just begun.

  14. Not a realistic option - when it is possible look for stores all around you selling such kits directly (with installation).. until then assume "buyer beware"...

  15. That system doesn't use water to run your car. It produces Hydrogen from water to supplement your fuel. It works two ways. Hydrogen is a fuel itself and, mixed with the regular fuel, improves its combustion getting more energy from it.

    Other systems use the Oxygen too to improve the combustion process.

    But the production of Hydrogen and/or Oxygen from water takes energy too. You'll need bigger batteries and a bigger charger. A system working on tap water will require a lot of maintenance or a periodic replacement due to mineral deposits, so you have to add that to the equation or the cost of the production of distilled water.

    The trick is to find ways where the balance is positive.

    I think we're still far from a practical car running 100% on water but it's possible.

  16. No, it is not realistic, and yes, it is a scam.  It takes more energy to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen than you can get by burning the hydrogen.  This energy must come from somewhere, and if you are using electricity from your cars alternator, the ultimate source of that energy is additional gasoline consumption.   There is no free energy.  Google perpetual motion and second law of thermodynamics for more details.

  17. water4gas is a scam to take your money. He is lying when he says he doubled his mileage. You cannot use X amount of energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen and then get more than X amount of energy by burning that hydrogen and oxygen in your engine. All such ideas violate the law of conservation of energy.

  18. PLease explain to me the theory of conservation of energy and how it relates to the Atomic Bomb.  Is there as much energy put into detonating this device as it puts out?

  19. If you think is too expensive then you could try the cheaper option.

    Take a look at:

  20. looks like a big old bottle of snake oil to me.  There is a marvelous thing known as the conservation of energy, and it shoots this theory right to h**l.  Where does the energy come from to convert the water into a gas?  Your car has to make the energy, to produce the fuel, to make the energy... yeah, right.

    Producing hydrogen from water is at best about 20% efficient.  And the alternator, maybe it's really good... 90% efficient.  The battery, okay, mabe 15% loss there...

    so if we start with 100 units of power (any unit will do) after the alternator, we have 90 units.  After the battery losses, we're down to 76.5 units.  And the fuel generation gives us a whopping  15.3 units of useable energy.

    not gonna work very well in the end...

    Remember folks, in anything energy related... there is truely no free lunch.

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