
Is salmon sashimi a healthy way to eat fish?

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I love salmon sashimi. I am also trying to eat more healthy. Is is a good option or should I cut down on it? I know that salmon has omega 3 fatty acids that are good for you. Also, since I'm not adding any extra fats in the cooking process, it should be healthy, right?




  1. You need to be careful about eating raw fish especially if you don't live in a place where the river or ocean is nearby.

    I'm Japanese and I used to eat fish including raw fish every day when I lived with my parents in Japan. My hometown is 10 minuts away from the Pacific Ocean and my dad took me to the ocean and swam and caught a fish there when I was a kid. And now my dad who is retired still goes fishing in the ocean almost every day. But anyways, I moved to the states 14 years ago and I realized the difference of the quality of raw fish here in the states. It's not quite the same.

    But I've never lived in the area where the ocean or river is nearby in the states so if you live in the place where the ocean or river is nearby, the quality of fish would be a lot different, but if you don't, you must be careful.

    But these days we are changing about eating fish because what you guys found:  the mercury level in fish. So you might want to limit the amount of raw fish you want to eat per month:

    Anyway, if you want to eat raw fish, be careful of eating too much of it and also be careful of the quality of raw fish.

  2. It's good for you, but eating any one food to the exclusion of other foods that are healthy is NOT good for you.  Mix it up.

  3. sashimi which is raw fish contains Anisakis nematodes, marine parasites that cause Anisakiasis. so eating it on an empty stomach wouldn't be too healthy. You should also eat other foods to complement your daily intake if you want to eat healthy, like more vegetables, fruit and white meat. You could try healthier methods of cooking too. Steaming, grilling your food are healthier than frying.

  4. Raw Salmon is one of the worst fish for sushi because the fish spends part of it's life in fresh water (parasites) and the ocean life is around marine mammals where it is host the more parasites. Smoked/saltedcured salmon greatly reduces the parasite chances of survival.

    If one is to get 'sickened' by sashimi or sushi, Salmon parasites are a frequent cause.

    Canned salmon (or sardines) are tasty, sanitary, and very inexpensive-with all the omega-3 benefits. Frozen salmon can be broiled with a little salt or seasoning too. But stay away from eating raw salmon.

  5. It is healthy, considering the Japanese have been eating it rawly for decades and they're one of the healthiest people on earth.

    But still I'll say it's best to eat anything in moderation :)

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