
Is satanism recognized by the government as a religion?

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Yeah thats basically it....




  1. Interesting question. I'm not sure if they do though.

  2. The government doesn't recognize, or not recognize for that matter, religions.  The IRS has requirements for a religious organization to qualify for tax exemption.  They are not the same thing.

    It is expressly stated that the government can not make one religion jump through more hoops than another in the ability of its practitioners to participated in their religious ritual.

  3. answer: The IRS and the US Military recognize Satanism as a religion and also Wicca.

  4. I believe Santaria is.  Most of the odd religions when prisoners find strange religions and demand to be able to observe them (no kidding).  

  5. All religions can suck my you know what

  6. The government has recognized religions? why does church and state collide

  7. Yeah, didn't they teach you that in school?

  8. Yes it is. I would also like to state that I have never met a rude Satanist. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met and for the most part misunderstood. The stigma that follows Satanism follows most Pagan religions and is completely false!

  9. I don't believe that it is.

  10. I believe that LaVeyan Satanism is, and if it isn't, it should be.

    As for theistic Satanism, I don't believe so. Beliefs amongst theistic Satanists tends to vary, and is not in any way organized I think.

    I don't know as much about theistic as I do LaVeyan.  

  11. yes!

  12. No....

  13. It's recognized by the Armed Forces.

    The IRS recognizes Levayen Satanism.

    Beyond that I'm not sure.

  14. I know that in the US and UK it definitely is.

    In South Africa it isn't specifically recognised but our constitution protects our right to religion as long as it breaks no laws or infringes on other people rights.  True Satanism conforms to those rules.

    I think most countries with a constitution do recognise Satanism under the same concept.

  15. It is in the UK.

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