
Is saving modern society hopeless?

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Religious ignorants please disregard this question and go back to your usual programming.

Here is my personal opinion, I would like to hear others:

I believe saving modern society is absolutely pointless. There are way too many people on the earth and not enough resources to go around. We're playing musical chairs with 6.5 billion people with only 1 billion seats. We can blame the Abrahamic religions for that, as well as every other problem in this world, since they slowed scientific progress through superstitious thinking. I have thought many times how to save the planet and the human race as it is, but its pointless. It's time to make due with what we have, fight for our own, and reverse the self destructive path we are taking. We have to get rid of 80% of the worlds population and it needs to happen soon (like within the next 100 years). We need to do this through population control. If we don't nature will do it for us. It's up to us. Any thoughts?




  1. Maybe moving off-planet will allow some of us to escape?

    Of course Planet Earth might still need to be saved on a semi-permanent basis.

    Will all of Earth will become our future generations' "Africa"?

  2. While I have occasionally felt the same way, it just feeds, in particularly, the Christians' persecution complexes when you discuss violence against them.  It's a safeguard built into their religion and many others and you will see it demonstrated in the answers you get.  Expect ridicule (which they call persecution of course) for their nut job superstitions.  

    The key to ridding the planet of this foolishness is first education.  Second, birth control.  And lastly ridicule.

    Are we worth saving, yes.

    But not all of us.

  3. As long as we have Liberals yes

  4. Your defeatist attitude serves no purpose and makes little sense. We could all do very well on this planet if all people did not think of only themselves and helped each other even a little bit. The blame for all that is wrong is shared by everyone on the planet. As an old expression states, "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." Peace

  5. Why do liberals hate Christianity and the ideals it represents?  Would you rather live in an Islamic country?  A country where atheism is the state religion?  I suppose the answer to the last question would be yes.  Your beloved Soviet Union where Christians worshiped in secret.

  6. religious ignorants. hummmmmmmmmm interesting mankind seems to have mucked things up nicely with this planet God created , all the resources God placed on this planet for man to survive like wind, sun and oil , natural gas, already in place, i guess if you feel its so hope less then why the rant part i dont get. seems to me you are very angry at God for not just fixing things. sorry it dont just happen like that. He did give us reason and a brain , so looks what the results are when mankind doesnt use that brain for positive. you know when you make a statement like that Christians are going to confront you on it. We dont like our faith made fun of . so in turn we will speak out. a fatalistic view seems to the the way of the atheists , never met one that was happy about anything. without faith a person cant help but have a fatal attitude about life. If you dont want to go when Jesus comes back , that is your choice. but sorry i am going. i sure dont intend to be left behind, with the cattle.

  7. malthus was wrong and immoral. the problem is that in a capitalist economic system, the wealth of 1 billion comes at the cost of the destitution of 6 billion. as long as capitalism remains globally dominant, this is how it will be. the answer is not to kill off the 6 billion - the answer is that we need a more just economic system.

  8. To a point I agree with you, what we call a worldwide society in 2008 has already fallen off the cliff , I honestly believe that, we're just waiting for the crash.

    Humanity itself will survive though, as people we've survived man's evil more than once. This won't be the last time. I tell you one thing though, what ever comes out of all this mess will be a beautiful peaceful society -- at least for a few decades.

    Reganite27 - Shut up, no one resents christianity ok? It's just that no one has time to f*cking wait for Jesus, get over that S**t. Worship all you want , this is America, but people with open minds have no time for that right now.

  9. schmoe,that should be s*****k.

    you are an idiot.

    delete away fool

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