
Is sawant brahmins or dalits?

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people from goa and maharashtra included




  1. What difference does it make?

    Its high time people stop thinking what caste the person is from when they hear their names!

    I'm myself a brahmin who eats chicken, never goes to a temple, have friends from various casts , I eat what my muslim friend cooks and all that doesn't make me a bad person!

    Anyway, don't wnat to preach... but still can't believe even in this age people ask such Qs.

    If you want to know for matrimonial reasons, why not ask directly?

  2. In olden days, the division of brahmin or dalit, came from which work they adopt to, for which they are capable of. One who studies well about God scriptures, pooja etc were called brahmins. Those who did the business were vaisyaas, kshatriyas worked for the government or basically administered and save the country, the rest were called shudras who did the work for the welfare of the society (that is without them, the other people won't be able to eat, or live in a clean place or won't have any other services). So, dalits are not any way inferior to the other caste people. It is only according to the selection of work, they were divided and not by birth. So, if somebody is born in a brahmin family and eats non-vegetarian food and doesnot pray to God or recite His hymns or do Poojas, they are not called brahmins. They only falsely claim but doesnot belong to.  

  3. Do-bara-Mat-Puchna

    Who's this frankeinstein invention?

    C'mon dont spoil the Fun ...

    Trying to divide Indian community?


    In the back of your mind,

    Why's there a need to think that orthodox way round?

    You seem to enjoy

    Religion, Caste Creed Issues?

    Reservation Issues?

    Why not Develop India United?

    How about thinking broadly

    & striving & making it a point to live like a Global Citizen

    not split into a trillion Chithade ...

  4. In old ages.....people were known by their virtues and the type of occupation. Thus came to existence, Brahmins, Dalits, Kshatriyas...etc.

    Brahmins were those people who used to do the pooja and take care of the temples...and Dalits were those who used to do the dirty work paddy cultivation, clean the toilets of maharajas....etc.

    So whichever Sawant you are referring to, decide by yourself, based on his/her virtue and occupation.

  5. Sawant,...Rakhi Sawant, god she doesn't  look like Brahmin...May be there are Dalits tooo...

  6. first sawant comes under hindu religons .

    swant comes in brahmins and maratha cast .

    but  not in dalits.

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