
Is saying global warming is a myth?

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the same type of logical mindset used by tobacco executives that say nicotine is not addictive?

So by denying it makes it all fine?

Fossil fuel gasses don't do squat to the earth's enviroment. 125 billion tons annually of CO2 pumped in the air does nothing.

They say it is normal for the earth to have cycles of temperature rises and falls and tie that with the Sun's energy output and perhaps large natural phenomina like volcanic gasses.

Polar ice is melting but the GW denialists fail to explain how and why that is happening. The Sun solar output has not increased significantly to be the cause of what is happening on earth today. What is happening is the effects of the atmosphere greenhouse gas balance being caused by humans releasing billions of tons of global warming gasses.

How can anyone deny humans are not the cause?




  1. Do some more research and look up how many times in history the climate has shifted by about 5 degrees Celsius in as little as a decade.  In fact use this exact phrase to type into Google "climate shift of 5 degrees Celsius in as little as a decade".  The increase in temperature since the end of the Little Ice Age (about 150 years ago) has been 1 degree Fahrenheit.  The Arctic was generally free of sea ice right before the Little Ice Age during the Medieval Warming Period.  The polar caps will not melt, there is no worry on that.

    In response to your argument to Andrew11, "cooling of parts of the earth does not mean that global warming is not happening".

    So warming in some parts of the planet means it IS happening?  Some parts are warming and some parts are cooling, neither proves nor disproves that global warming is happening.

    The simple fact that we "experience" more weather systems is based on perception.  With the great thing called the internet, the lines of communication have opened all over the planet.  We may not have heard about a cyclone hitting Bangladesh 40 years ago or of an ice shelf breaking off during the 1950's.  Does that mean it did not happen?  In the eyes of some, it does.

    Bottom line, global warming is a business now.  There is billions of dollars to be made and it will be at the tax-payer's expense.

    Also, comparing the global warming skeptics to tobacco executives shows how weak your argument is.  There are tens of thousands of scientists who openly disagree with the global warming hype.  Why?  Because it is all theoretical.  The executives at tobacco companies are not scientists and their thoughts on nicotine addiction should not matter.

    You tell people to keep sticking their head in the sand, is that any different than following the leader like a mindless drone?  Just run off the cliff with the rest of the (edit-lemmings). (haha!  wasn't concentrating.  But I do expect you to know the name of the rest of your crowd).

    EDIT-The MWP was global, the LIA was the entire northern hemisphere.  Maybe you should research them a little more.  Independent research would help you understand the facts of this hype, but you are just another follower.  Maybe you should follow your zoology and not step into climatology, you apparently use the same "wiki" sources as everyone else.  Amateur.

    3 other planets have shown warming also, that is what Mars has to do with GW on this planet.  If it is happening to 4 planets (all with atmospheres), then it most likely is not because of humans.  You have as much common sense as the "3 year old throwing a tantrum" you mention.  

    Funny, you don't try to refute my facts.  Your argument is that weak that all you can do is insult people?  Now go research your wiki sites some more, you clearly show how smart that site can make someone.  haha!

    The planets with atmospheres are more likely to be influenced by the sun.  Gas giants are less likely because they have little or no atmosphere and have their own internal combustion.

  2. 125 billion tons annually of CO2 pumped in the air does not do nothing. The problem is it has many small effects, those effects lead to other effects which help raise the temperature even more. For example 1 if the temperature rises by a small amount, 2 more ice will melt as there is less ice there less sun light can be reflected by ice, 3 the water heats up more than usual which in turn causes more ice to melt bringing you back to stage 2 in a some what loop. There are many other dilemmas like this and when taken into account you can realize how much a very small change can effect the world , The best example i can think of is chaos theory (the butterfly effect) "Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system". Which is why a change in something such as Co2 in the atmosphere which you should be able to understand shouldn't be there (face it this much Co2 would have never been produced ever before man) will have large variations in the long term behavior of the system, the system being the earth, one of the major problems being weather, not just temperature of cause also wind speed, amount of tornadoes/hurricanes  (which has strangely increased since the industrial revolution)

    Fact 1 The earth is a system

    Fact 2 Changing variables causes effects

    Fact 3 Global warming isn't a myth but is probably not as bad as the media make us believe, but if they didn't make it more dramatic they wouldn't sell as many newspapers

  3. You silly

    The planet has been doing this since the beginning and it will until the end

    Remember in the 80s when we were "entering another ice age!?!?!"

    omg.  its happening again. except more ridiculous.

    and then we'll have another cooling panic in like 15 years where they'll have more hoops for the public to jump through.

  4. SORRY in my eagerness to insult him i forget the other stuff. duh its warming.. i go outside.(er was warming)

    Its cooling, the sun goes through 11 year cycles where the hot spots increase and decrease. cant remember all of it..

    show me one "GW DENIALIST" that believes the world is(was) not getting hotter

    its not cooling in just a few parts, GLOBALLY the temperature has gone down.


    Earth is perfect its one in a infinity million. And i think one of its nice flukes are the ability to balance itself. i think the sun going back and forth between temps keeps the planet in check and balanced



  5. Yes, as a matter of fact, many of the same scientists who are claiming humans aren't causing global warming also claimed that smoking doesn't cause lung cancer.  For example, Fred Singer.

    Same with anti-evolutionists.  For example, Roy Spencer is one of the few 'skeptical' scientists and also an avid proponent of intelligent design.

  6. "Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on."

    You gonna deny that? google it.

    THE ENTIRE BASIS OF GLOBAL WARMING IS FROM A CONSENSUS. that means its not scientifically backed up but everyone just agrees with it. suppose this is an excellent representation of truthyness. (google it)

    2007 was the coolest year of the 21st century. The WHOLE 1 degree that the earth has risen from all of are co2 release (might i add it is nothing compared to volcanoes) was wiped out in 2007. based off your title and your logic you are probably 12 so i'm not gonna get upset.

  7. I am amazed at how foolish some people can be. They believe in  santa clause and now global warming. And some of these people claim to be educated, not! As  far as the Rev. Al Gore the tree hugger, he and his communist friends are going to stop until every GW believer is living under trees and eating grass like cows. When the smoke clears GW believers will be slaves and the Rev. Al Gore will be the slave master.  

  8. The problem with comparing tobacco to AGW is there is no comparison. Their is evidence that smoking increases the risk for cancer. This has been established through many studies.

    AGW has yet to have a single scientific study suggest man is contributing to the warming (yes, we all know it is warming). The only sort of evidence AGW proponents can muster is to create an imperfect model, then try to pawn it off as science. Of course, after 3 to 4 years, those models are shown to be wrong and so they go and rerun the models and come up with new models (which are still wrong).

    The earth has warmed and cooled many times before we ever built are first "Death Dealing SUV". As a matter of fact, with in the last 450,000 years, the earth has gone through 4 warming periods like the current. The only difference is that the previous 4 were all warmer than the current.

    This graph will answer all your questions.

  9.   i hope the earth burns up soon, so i don't have to listen to this c**p every day. but, did you notice how few of these GW questions there were when people were freezing their a$$e$ off a few months ago?

  10. The difference: nicotine is PROVEN to be addictive. Global warming... no hard proof there.

  11. you convinced me. The global warming is probably a myth.

  12. no

  13. The answer is yes.

    Mainly to avoid personal responsibility - so in that sense it is immature (young children often say outrageous lies knowing that they will get caught but putting off the inevitable by a few minutes or hours).

    This can be seen by the immaturity of some of the responses in here:

    The person who suggested you were 12 years old thinks it funny to use made-up words like "truthyness" just like kids do - perhaps his age can be found in his name. He also suggests that because a majority of people believe in a thing, that makes it false... very twisted logic based on saying that "consensus" is synonymous with "not scientifically backed" (it isn't by the way).

    He supports his stance with one year of "anecdotal evidence" - excellent science there I see.

    Then we have "the climate the last thirty years has stayed in the same bounds is has for the last 4,000 years" which completely misses the point of CHANGE. The problem is fast & rapid change in climate (otherwise it would be called "Climate Staythesame") - the present temperature is within recent historical bounds. The RATE of change however is something that has only been seen 5 times before in the planet's history with incredibly negative results for life at the time.

    And actually, Idoni, nicotine = addictive IS at about the same level of proof as global warming.

    The Little Ice Age and the MWP are often brought up by sceptics but what they won't tell you is that these were regional climate conditions, not global. They both affected the greater North Atlantic region, nowhere else. This is like saying Baghdad had snow therefore the entire planet is cooling. No, it means Baghdad was cold that day...

    And I do love "run off the cliff with the rest of the lemurs" - lemurs generally live on flat plains; few cliffs. Most don't run either - they bounce or swing in trees. Do you mean "lemmings"? Perhaps your knowledge of zoology is as good as your knowledge of climatology...

    Then we have the Pastor mouthing the normal myths... bring out the bogeymen - Al Gore, tree huggers, communists, slaves... - even though they have nothing to with the issue (Hitler liked music; does that mean all music = nazism or genocide is a consequence of listening to music?). Something childish about 'sticks and stones bu8t names will never hurt me'?

    CrazyCon with his "AGW has yet to have a single scientific study suggest man is contributing to the warming"... erm, yes, there is - for one but there are many others. Just because you don't like it or don't believe it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Again, very childish - the old hands-on-ears "I can't hear you, I can't hear you" trick. When someone starts their rant with an easily provable lie, why worry about the rest?

    And Andrew... asks to be shown "one "GW DENIALIST" that believes the world is(was) not getting hotter". That is, a sceptic who believes that "GLOBALLY the temperature has gone down"- why Andrew, look in the mirror - there's your answer: One GW denialist that believes the world is not getting hotter..." That's just plain daft!

    Then the Mars connection. As if everything in the universe has to be connected to GW. Seriously, Andrew, Mars getting warmer has nothing to do with GW on this planet: Why should it?

    (By this point Andrew is having a 3-year-olds tantrum because no one is listening to him hence the screaming)

    His language skills break down like a child getting tired ("Earth is perfect its one in a infinity million" whatever that means!).

    It's been well proven that solar radiation does not correlate with global warming so that's out and finally we have him screaming his head off about volcanoes (and wrong abouty it as well - humans emit 100X as much CO2 as volcanoes

    Edit: I'm going to do just one counter to Andrews edit as an illustration of clumsy logic... Mars warming:

    There are 8 (or 9 - depends) planets in the solar system.

    Natural systems tend not to be static and planets follow this rule in terms of their average temperature.

    That means that at any one time a planet will be either warming or cooling.

    The fact that 3 or 4 planets are currently warming is entirely in line with this - it's caused random chance.

    Now, if all the planets (except Earth) were cooling or all (including Earth) were warming then the idea that there could be a common cause would merit investigation.

    This is why I say Mars' warming is irrelevant - a similar phenomenon happening in two places at the same time does not necessarily mean a common cause.

    It is the lack of rigid logical development of arguments, the confusion between cause and effect, not understanding the difference between statistical randomness and exceptional change are some of the reasons why the sceptics have failed to convince me that there is any substance to their position.

    P.S. I rarely use "wiki".

  14. Let me put it this way then, the climate the last thirty years has stayed in the same bounds is has for the last 4,000 years. The temperatures of the last 30 years have not exceeded either the historical high or low ones. In fact the year 1998 that claim as the hottest year in the history of the world was actually only the second hottest in the last hundred and it the year in the 1930s that was the hottest of the last 100 is only like 50th on the list for the last 1,000.

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken

  15. Global warming isn't a myth. But i think the fact that people think it's gonna end in 2012 is BS.

  16. my, my, my,  i see densa is out in force today.

    as to the comprison, junkscience sure likes these issues.

    oh, and my congratulations -- you inspired andrew to post a bad link.

    however, a quick search on daily tech turned up the following:

    <<After last year's thin ice cover, the North Pole is poised to vanish due to global warming in a short time

    DailyTech has previously covered the frantic pace of melt in Greenland, which is accelerating, dumping vast amounts of water into the sea.  Meanwhile, the North Pole has been steadily melting away as well.  Fortunately, the North Pole ice is floating, and thus will not affect sea levels, but its dissolution is an important indicator of warming.

    While some remain critical that global warming is occurring at all, the melting of the North Pole represents a sharp indicator against voices of doubt.  Now scientists are predicting that a major milestone will be reached this summer or next -- the disappearance of the North Pole's ice cover during the Arctic Summer.

    To most, imagining the North Pole without ice -- only water -- is an incredible prospect.  But that's the reality of a warming world.>>

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