
Is school violence worse then it used to be?

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Is school violence worse then it used to be?




  1. The tendency to bullying and violence has always been present. The difference these days is the willingness to obtain and use weapons. This escalates the violence to new levels that then becomes visible to the mass media.

    I am not sure what to do about the weapons in schools situation - it is obvious that they are readily available - especially in poorer neighborhoods it seems...I don't think restricting availability of guns to licensed owners is a solution - although possibly increased education in secure storage of weapons might do some good.

    However I think most weapons are obtained either from older siblings or on the black market, which is outside of any gun regulation system and cannot be controlled by licensing, registering or banning guns. Perhaps if the authorities would increase their efforts in targeting organized crime and the suppliers of illegal guns it might have some effect.

    Another possibility is to give self-defence courses as an extra-curricular activity.

  2. yes,  parents don't know how to raise their kids these days

  3. When I was in school we had the guys bringing there hunting riffles. No problems what so ever!

    We had some of the kids who had the cattle prods in there trucks, remembering one kid who thought it was funny to poke people and he got in trouble. We had one kid beat the c**p out of a teacher because he thought the teacher was a kid. New teacher and he did not introduce himself to the school.

    This was all the problem I remember and we were supposed to be the worst school around because of the farm/ranch kids......we thought are c**p did not stink in other words (until are parents got a hold of us and put us in are places).

    These days one has to remember that most kids are on drugs, legal or illegal. Kids these days are taught what all the illegal drugs are by cops who come into the schools and actually show them, teach them. Kids want to do what they are not supposed to do this is common sense. Now the kids know what to look to use it etc..

    Kids feel the world revolves around them and they demand respect, without showing respect.

    Teachers are afraid of kids in are public schools and they should be! Parents feel the schools should raise there kids and there responsibility ends when the kid goes off to school. Cops are in are schools and bully kids around.

    Kids have computers in there bedrooms and have all the privacy in the world to look at and interact with anyone and everyone.....

    So yes I feel kids are out of control. Parents are out of control and are society is going down hill fast. We best wake up, get into are kids faces and treat them like kids and not little grown ups!

  4. heck yea

  5. Absolutely..yes, without a doubt.

  6. Yes, school shooting are aweful Littleton, Colorado, Pearl,Ms the list goes on and on. How many school shootings have you heard of in the last 10 - 20yrs?

  7. Yes. My mom was born you know in the 70's and 80's and  and she said all we had to worry about was a bully and they only made fun of us and sometimes threw a punch and I am 6th grade going into 7th and people are getting beat up everywere and also shootings none has been near me but you hear about them also a kid on my bus named Zac was beat up everyday almost by Curtis it is sad and kids are really terrified of school so violence has increased!

  8. yes it is getting worse. and there should be a stop to it before it gets even more worse.

  9. Yes.  Thanks to the media coverage and the "copy cat" shootings, it is out of control. No school seems safe anymore.

  10. no it always been a problem not just reported in the inner city its always a shootn . but not a massacare

  11. Yes kids have no respect for adults !!parents are to blame they let them get away with eerything because they buy them things to not feel guilty about spending time with them.

    We go to a waterpark everyday and my 24 yr old said to me mom i have never seen so many rude kids.they dont say excuse me please ,thanks,yes maam etc...

    my kids were  in trouble if they dont respect teachers etc..its not that way they have lost respect for themselves...

  12. I don't think so, it is just but more on the news then ever before.

  13. Yes, it's gotten really bad, talking from a pupil at a girls school at the moment. A couple of weeks ago two girls had a fight, and pulled their hair out, and also, which is even worse, some girls came up to a christian group of girls and burnt a bible in their faces, i cant imagine that happeneing a while ago!! And also, i'm a christian, and quite a lot of the school is (not a christian school tho), and we were all very hurt by this, and the people that did it, knew that everyone would, but yet they still did it. It's not good. So yes, I would say it is getting much worse! hope i helped :)

  14. this is a definite yes.

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