
Is science falsely called so?

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1. Observe some aspect of the universe.

2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with what you have observed.

3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions.

4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between theory and experiment and/or observation

if this is the scientific method then how come things like the big bang and evolution qualify as science since they are neither observable nor testable

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth??

Job 38:4





  2. because you cannot prove the science; technology is not advanced enough. so that is what people believe until they are provevd right or wrong. same with religion. we'll just have to find out won't we?

  3. They are observable.

    You just have to take your hands from over your eyes and read.

    Watch a dog show if you'd like to see evolution in action.

  4. I believe there is enough evidence to prove the Big Bang. There is evidence of it, and more everyday. On the other hand evolution is lacking that kind of evidence.  I believe is an experiment is done, following the scientific method (without bias), it will point to the truth.  

  5. No, you have it wrong.

    1. Question

    2. hypothesis.

    3. observation.

    4. data.

    5. conclusion.

    That, in a nutshell is scientific method.

    You obviously didn't listen in science class when they told you about scientific method and how it solves problems.

  6. Ok we have proved evolution in the lab. We can see that bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. We have seen that humans have grown taller and more intelligent during our existence. We have seen animals go extinct. There's the layman's proof of evolution.

    Big Bang, we look out with our telescope and we see that the Universe is moving away from each other, which is consistent with an explosion. That's all I got for the Big Bang but there is more. Look it up.

  7. We have observed the effects of the Big Bang like background temperature and radiation of the universe and also everything in the universe is moving outward from one location which shows expansion, which is all the big bang is.

  8. Interesting interesting

  9. evolution can be observed look up darwin's finches

  10. you should do the truth project

  11. You have apparently been "fed a line"; both the "Big Bang" AND evolutionary Theory survive your five-bullet distillation of the scientific method, silly goose!

    If I throw you out of a helicopter at 1000 feet, and try to film it, but miss your descent between 900 and 880 feet (also between 120 and 100 feet) because I wasn't looking in the right direction, does that mean that since I can no longer conclusively "prove" where you were between those two gaps, that the mangled mush on the tarmac is not you?

  12. we can clearly see evolution, and by planets/stars/galaxies moving an inch, we can predate and see how they formed

    and if you're such a science buff why do you believe in god?

    go get a life and drop it already, you're not going to make anyone believe in your super-powered fairy so stfu about all this garbage already

  13. You have a good question. There are a few reasons why people believe evolution, even though it can't be proven, it is still cleverly explained, pieced together, and documented in textbooks. Because the very ones who preach it are intelligent and well lettered, they seem believable. Young people are taught this in school by teachers who get paid to teach it. It becomes so "normal" in a person's mind that they hardly think of it during their busy life, until something happens to cause them to think long enough to question it .There are so many things against evolution that it is immediately observable in everything that we see everyday. For one example; the way everything fits together in nature is proof that the material creation was purposely designed. The earth with an atmosphere to nurture life. The orbit of earth around the sun, the seasons in order, the food to feed all life, and humans.The enjoyment of taste, the beauty of colors and designs, and details found in nature, all speak of a wonderful, loving and extremely intelligent God. Humans who were given a complex brain can invent many things, but they will never be able to make life, or even a seed that grows into a tree. They cannot find out,  just on their own, why we grow old and die while at the same time struggling to live. Or what is the meaning behind the world conditions that get worse instead of better, (if we are evolving). They also have never been able to establish a government that gets to the root of the very causes of war, crime, deception, suffering, etc.Romans I: 20 is stating a fact when saying that we really have no excuse for not learning from life itself that we have a Maker. The excuse is within the hearts and motives of such people who are are blind in a reasoning and spiritual sense. Belief in evolution releases in the minds of it's believers the responsibility of feeling any kind of accountability for their thinking and actions. They feel that "animals" can pretty much do as they please to cater to their own self will, and there is no God because they look up and don't see  anyone looking down at them, or don't see immediate solutions to problems. Evolution is a form of self deception that does not answer any questions about life , give any real hope, or offer anything of benefit, just saying that we got here by some chance for no reason.

  14. evolution not falsifiable?  ever heard of fossilized Precambrian bunnies?  if you find one then you have falsified evolution.  evolution is science whether you like it or not.

    and its actually

    1)observe some aspect of the universe

    2)make a hypothesis of why it happens

    3)test that hypothesis and observe (repeat many times with several hypothesis)

    4)do research to see if anybody else has done the same experiments and their conclusions

    5)draw your conclusions

    after that you then publish your findings, get them peer reviewed, and hold a scientific consensus.  creation "science" has failed to do this.  if they want equality in science class rooms they should go through the system, not cheat its way around it.

  15. Thank you so much!

    I am a scientist (well, studying to be one!) and I could not have put it in a better way!


  16. Um...they are both observable and testable.

    The new Hadron Collider will prove the Big Bang scientifically, but they already have workable theories, with evidence, on the BB.

    Evolution has been observed and tested for 150 years and has yet to be proven false.

    Maybe you need to study it more before making untrue statements about it.

  17. Evolution is observable. Duh.

  18. Because the Bible is stuck, it can't change anything or can't be falsified. As for experimentation or observations that can be repeated, that is not necessarily so. There's a branch of science called theoretical science and that's where the Big Bang lies, but the is evidence for it (CMBR). Same thing with evolution. We can't really make predictions with it, but we can observe it through fossils and on the cellular level.

    The Bible can't do any of this.

  19. Evolution is observable and we change our environment everyday to suit our needs. Survival of the fittest.

    How many animals are extinct, or change habits due to human destruction in order to survive.

    Look at pigeons, I am sure they weren't city dwellers when they arrived. Now they live in the city.

    Evolution is all around us, and if it weren't for scientists then we wouldn't be living longer, people wouldn't have medicine and pills that keep us alive.

    If it weren't for Doctors looking at dead bodies when RELIGION told them not to then we wouldnt' be discovering so many problems and solving them as we are doing now.

    Science puts us forward and religion puts us backwards

  20. In any belief structure there will be a founding assumption upon which the whole structure rests.

    The basis of this assumption is faith. Any scientist who denies this is deluding themselves.

    Scientific method does however, aim at quantifying the observable facts in the most consistent way possible. The big bang and evolution are two such theories which (it is true) must still be based on assumptions (because we were not there at the laying down of the foundations)

    But the thing that makes it science is that people are still trying to get behind the assumptions! The reason we can write questions and answers on our electrically powered, semi-conductor based machines is because science has been able to model the universe with phenomenal accuracy. These formulations have led back to the theoretical model which is the big bang - there is still plenty of debate about the matter.

    You could argue that trying to prove the existence of an event that supposedly occured over 4.6 billion years ago is a futile exercise - this would be an entirely valid opinion.

    But that won't stop people trying - that's science baby!!!

  21. We observe that the universe is there.  Not only that, but the objects in the universe are moving away from eachother.  We also observe that in places of extreme high mass, gravity, and density, there are black holes.

    Hypothesis, they all came from a common point.

    We hypothesize that all the objects and matter in the universe was collected into a singularity, such as a black hole, based upon the observations of black holes, and their creation by stars becoming more dense by way of continued nuclear fusion.

    So far, there is no discrepancies.  However, as you said, we cannot put this theory to the test. And that is why, evolution and the Big Bang, cannot be called LAWS.  Because we cannot test it.  However, there is nothing observable to cause us to alter the theory.  If and when some new piece of information comes out, the theory will be altered, or scratched all together in favor of a new one that meets all the criteria, including the old ones.

    This is where the intelligent design theory fails: it is assuming something that there is no support to back up.  Science makes no claim or comment on the supernatural, that is, something "beyond" the natural. Natural being anything that can be measured or observed.  

    I am a theist, I do have a religion, but I acknowledge that it does have a place in science.

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