
Is science fiction for those who cant face reality?

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Is science fiction for those who cant face reality?




  1. A fiction is a fiction, which may become a reality in future. For a reader it is not a reality, at the time of reading. Then why should he scare.? or avoid facing it ?

  2. science fiction is the future of science. for example, laser beams. Scientists have the power to produce such beams.

  3. not exactly, it is a fiction , mostly, may be around 75% of science fictions are only the fictions and in days like these , the science fictions are becoming real ,

    to answer you - i can say, it is only for the people who dream more and have no work and foolish , who always run from things , yes it is.

  4. If science fiction would be for people who can't face reality then so would all art that doesn't copy or closely resemble nature and reality be.

    Reality is man's greatest source of inspiration but humans are creative beings and so the art they create can and does sometimes separate at some extent from the immediate reality.

    Science fiction is just one genre that has a "tradition" for straying from our present reality. If the action is happening in the future you should expect things to be different, but the essential things are still there. If you look at all the literature, you will generally come across the same themes that have to do with human beings' desires, fears and questions. I doubt a good SF book (one that has those above mentioned themes) could simply be a refuge to one who can't face reality.

    I agree that a large extent of SF probably can't qualify as art in its most pure, essential meaning, but it's a great "playing ground" for the human mind to try and create. If you put it this way, then SF isn't a refuge for the reality phobics.

    It depends on the individual if they can or can't face reality; if one can't face it, they may as well seek refuge in just about anything else... how about MMOs, virtual chatting, drugs or alcohol, to name a few "famous" ones?

    In the end, reality can be a relative term. How fast would you be able to think of a (satisfactory) definition for reality?

    When you read a book, you face the reality created by that author which partially reflects the reality around you. So you could learn a lot about reality just by reading. (Of course, it depends on the book, but I don't believe there aren't any good SF's out there.)

    It's not that simple.

  5. Science fiction is for those who dare to imagine a better reality. After all all things seen were first created in the imagination.

  6. if they wrote a tv pilot about nasa in the 21 century in the 50s it  would of been  considered a show for week mined people who only spend time dreaming of impossible things.

  7. your question sound like a statement,but the term science fiction ts a broad genre of fiction that often involves speculations based on current science or technology,

    but is no term for defining to evade reality ,a more accurate

    term can be entertainment,however there are things that

    have been exposed in a sci-fi way,and they have become

    a reality in our existence

  8. no, its for those people who like imagination...

  9. a lot of our technology we have today has been inspired by science fiction. Take the cell phone for example, especially the flip phones, inspired by the Star Trek communicator.

    reality is always going to be around you whether you want to deal with it our not. But every now and then it's nice to get lost in a fantasy world and science fiction is a good outlet for that. (it's also less risky than other methods of escaping from reality for a while)

    it's when people begin ignoring the real reality of their lives for the reality of the fantasy world that problem begin to surface.

  10. Actually, science fiction can help people come to grips with reality. For example, a bigot watching a sci-fi story about the oppression of an alien people might root for the aliens in the story and later realize how closely his views about real life racial groups matches the bad guys in the show. Sci-fi is more about who we are now than it is about space ships and laser guns. Parts of it are what our hopes for the future are, but even that tells a lot about who we are now.

    Short answer to your question is: No.

    Long answer: No, sci-fi is for people who care about the present enough to envision a future wherein we navigated the landmines of social annihilation and came out a better people.

  11. science is experimental...n ppl should learn to face the truth

    n it is definitely nt fiction

    evn if u keep ur eyes closed u cant shut it to da truth

  12. Yes, isn't it wonderful?  I just love spending time in outer space... No-one should spend their whole life "facing reality", especially when possibility and imagination are the seeds of exciting changes.

  13. No.  It is for those who want an escape from reality.

  14. science fiction is for entertainment, we should only worry when people are deluding themselves with unscientific stories

  15. WHOS reality do I have to face????

    & how can you prove its real???

    are you sure your not a figment of someone elses reality??

    maybe Im just dreaming this & it will all be alright when I wake up.......Im looking forward to tomorrow....superbowl 75 is on the holo screen...

  16. Scifi is the possibility of things to come , Example: 100 yrs ago T.V..jet planes ,atomic bombs,vaccines, cell phones rockets to the moon.,,,etc., etc. etc. would have all been considered..............Science _ there !!

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