
Is sculling better than rowing??

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Is sculling better than rowing??




  1. Sculling and rowing and basically the same thing, only scullers use longer oars (or sweeps).

    Now if you were to ask whether paddling is better than rowing, we would be into a whole different topic. Just remember that rowers go through life backwards, never knowing where they are bound, but paddlers head into the wind and water, with the whole world in front of them. Not that I'm prejudiced in favor of paddling or anything, but paddling is such a great sport.

    Just imagine, if you will, trying to row backwards down a surfing wave. Paddlers ride that wave to the limit, and then start hunting for another wave.

    But that wasn't your question, was it.

    Sculling is more technically demanding than rowing, and you can't fish from a shell but you can from a row boat.

  2. Not a whole lot of difference there, Bubba.

    Same motion with a different boat.

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