
Is sea lion halal to eat?

by Guest62885  |  earlier

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not that im planing on eating one but just in case my plane crashes in Alaska.........




  1. Lolz......

    what about horsese?

  2. Haram

  3. lol, watch out, before the Sea lion eats you, they don't check halal and harram!!

  4. some of sea food is haram

    and some of sea is mackro mean(not permitted or prohibited in Islam )

    fish ,shrimp,c**p,its halal  

  5. I watched Batman the other day and remembered you LOL

    @ Salman: Hey I thumbed you up ;)

  6. no idea... but i wouldn't eat it!

  7. It is lawful to eat anything from the sea except if it is poison's snake.

  8. A product is considered haram if it has any contact with, or contains anything from:

    Pigs, dogs, donkeys, and carnivorous animals (e.g., bears and lions).

    Reptiles and insects that are considered ugly or filthy (e.g., worms, lice, flies, and cockroaches).

    Animals killed by strangulation, a blow to the head (clubbing), a headlong fall, natural causes (carrion), or being gored or attacked by another animal. Fish are exempted from this class. When the Messenger was asked about the sea, he replied: “Its water is pure and its dead are halal.”

    All animals, except fish, that are not sacrificed according to Islamic rules.

    Alcohol, harmful substances, and poisonous and intoxicating plants or drinks (e.g., hashish, opium, and contemporary drugs, whether natural or chemical).

    Animals with protruding canine teeth (e.g., monkeys, and cats, lions).

    Amphibians (e.g., frogs, crocodiles, and turtles).

    Animals slaughtered for worship of, or in the name of, that which is not God.

    Scorpions, centipedes, rats, and similar animals.

    Animals that are forbidden to be killed (e.g., bees).

    Birds with talons (e.g., owls and eagles).

    Any meat that has been cut off of a live animal.


    Animals won in a bet or a game of chance.

    Food additives whose raw materials are forbidden and produced through a process incompatible with Islam.

    Such impurities as dogs and pigs, alcohol, dead bodies not killed according to Islamic principles (except fish), blood, human and animal urine and waste matter, parts obtained from stillliving animals (except for wool, hair, horns, and so on), and the milk of animals that cannot be eaten (e.g., donkeys, cats, and pigs).

  9. Sallam

    lol, that's random..

    out of everything ...a sea lion??

    ur either very bored or hungry.

  10. eat him b4 he eats u : p    

  11. lol, Allah forbid something like that happen to u. Allah mentions in the Quran that it is lawful to eat anything from the sea.

    answer mine plz;...

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