
Is seattle a good place to live?

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hey I'm 16/17 i might be moving to seattle from london in december but i'm kinda scared because I've never been to america even though my dad lives's the crime rate? and school system? and over all how is seattle




  1. I'm astonished to read other peoples' Answers because frequently I've read about Seattle being rated as having a very high Quality of Life, however they might judge it.

    I've only visited Seattle once, briefly, but my hosts loved the town, and I saw no reason to disagree.  

    You're just south of Vancouver, BC, which shows up consistently as the very best tourist destination in the  -> World <- !  Vancouver is far from crime-free, but I have walked through its roughest neighbourhoods without a problem. (I'm a small, middle-aged woman.)

    You will probably be really surprised at how little the school system expects of you.

    I'm sure the move will change your life in subtle, valuable ways.  Enjoy!

  2. Its expensive, cold and wet.  You won't like it, stay away, its too crowded already.

    Try these sites:

  3. Yes! its the most diverse place in america with a lot of cool things to do. do be intimated by the rain factor; according to reports san francisco got more rain than us last year! it's also one of the safest places in america! its got great highschool and colleges. In fact the University of Washington, Seattle, is considered one of the best universities in the nation!

  4. I've been there a few times, & love it.

  5. it you like the rain all the time, I dont

  6. i think it would be a nice place to live if you like snow and living north. it could be great if you have family and friends up there. i've never been there, in fact i live like thousands of miles away in south Louisiana.

  7. i live here, in seattle.

    it's nice but man i miss florida where i just moved from...

    crime sucks here but it depends on where you live.  our first night here someone robbed us at gunpoint from my vehicle... they took my purse - with my keys and ID, then broke into my house two days later...

    yeah, i really miss FL.

  8. i would love to live in seattle, with the exception of the high possibility of an earthquake. just make sure you check the crime rates. some of the inner city neighborhoods are very dangerous, but there are low crime areas too, just do some research before moving in anywhere. and welcome to America by the way good luck

  9. Seattle is amazing and has wonderful character and diversity.  I lived in Seattle, debating moving 2,000 miles back, and in complete shock by what people are saying about it.  Perhaps it’s true that most Seattleites are so busy, driven, hard working, and enjoying life in their free time that they do not have time to concern themselves with haters. Bell Town, Queen Anne, and Magnolia areas of Seattle you will find to be amazing.  Green Lake and Ballard are great places to visit.  The Chittenden Locks are in Ballard, where you can watch boats go through a channel from Lake Washington to Puget Sound, while watching Salmon swim up a Salmon trough.  Seattle has also been named several times as having the best-educated population in the United States, perhaps the world.

    Dave Matthews has his main residence in Seattle, as does Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, Bill Gates, etc.  Many graduates from the top Ivy League schools including Princeton, Harvard, and Yale choose to make their permanent homes in Seattle.  There are also “normal” people who are very well versed worldly.  If it is such a bad place, then it is beyond me why so much amazing creation in so many disciplines comes from Seattle.  It is quite easy to distinguish bad areas in Seattle and you will find it a great place that will pale in comparison to London for any shady characters.  Complaints about weather I swear come from those who have moved from area’s where they have 300 plus days of sunshine a year.

    Summers are so perfect in Seattle. Washington D.C. gets more annual precipitation than Seattle.  The general rule of thumb I would like to share with you is make a point of being outdoors for at least half an hour a day, especially during the gloomy months.  There is so much hiking and activities it would shock me if you do not find yourself in complete bliss.

    The Tacoma area is an area to avoid if any and as you get close you will experience what is known as the “Tacoma Aroma,” which is a nasty smell of lumber mills.  It’s nothing like being in south central L.A. or the south side of Chicago.  It’s fine during the daytime hours, but the quality of life and people are the worst in the Tacoma area.  At the same time Gig Harbor is not far from Tacoma and is very beautiful and well kept.  

    The eastside of Seattle has such a great quality of life.  Check out Lake Street in Kirkland.  It parallels Lake Washington and is amazing.  Bellevue is a great city.  There are more boats per capita than anywhere in the world in the Seattle metro area.  My best wishes to you.  Cheers!

  10. it can can get cold!

  11. when i want to seatle (or near there) d**n it was the most BEAUTIFUL place iv ever been...waaayyayyyyyy nicer then LA lol

    BHouk seattles in washington

  12. no because all of there sports teams suck. don't move to California unless you have a lot of money i live here and its a good place but very expencive homes and its not very fun here.

    m0rdecai your wrong.

    jake i know where Seattle is and learn to spell

  13. I've never been there but I've heard it's beautiful. Just across your into Canada and there are moose walking down the street.  I've heard there are lots of start up companies there from the millionaires created at microsoft and of course you should have not problem finding a starbucks.

  14. worst suicide rate....

  15. Its kinda rainy and cloudy all the time from what my friend says who lives there.

  16. Seattle is pretty crowded, rainy, fun, adventurous.  It is known for depression because it is gray alot of the year.  Do some research on the internet.  Washington is the most beautiful state to live in.  We found that Washington is about two years academically from California.  The school system is a little slow for elementary school.  We lived there for 8 months and left because of the rain which I regret now just because we miss the pretty trees and cool weather.  Good luck.

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