
Is security at Britain's ports weak, letting immigrants, and guns get through easily?

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Is security at Britain's ports weak, letting immigrants, and guns get through easily?




  1. No more than any other European Country and like the US.  If people are allowed to travel then you will have illegal immigrants and you will have weapons.  The secret is to encourage lawful citizens to be armed and well trained in their use.   Enslavement occurs when the good are disarmed by the bad --- this has been true thorough out history.  England has done it to Scotland, Wales, and Ireland at various times --- it disarmed its own citizens in after Charles I lost his head.  It disarmed the citizenry over a "school" shooting --- In American people would have constructed a plot there, since the small cost of this shooting --- a whole nation of citizens were disarmed --- only to allow an increase in gun crimes that was unknown prior to the shooting.   I read that now one cannot even use a knife or club within one's own home to protect his property or family from an intruder.   Is it not time to take back England for the all of its citizens.   I read where a MP stated that English Courts of Justice will soon have to recognize aspects of Muslim Law ---??? Hmm

    Which aspects?   Beating of wife, non-education of women, praise for the brother, uncle, father who kills his sister, neice, daughter for an act he deems to be immoral or dishonorable [perhaps talking to a male, getting a degree in chemistry, or not wear a scarf.]   A thousand years of British Law to be prostititued on the whim of a Law Lord?

  2. Britain is not part a full member of the Schengen Agreement and does not have open borders like the rest of Europe.

    Indeed just today two major announcements were made, the first that new local immigration teams are to be set up, and the second that the Government is to push ahead with an ACPO plan for a Border Police Force in a forthcoming Green Paper.

    Project Cyclamen (Radiation Screening at Ports/Airports) -

    As for KarenL's assertions, firstly you can use reasonable force to defend yourself or property in the UK. The circumstances and what is deemed reasonable force  would be decided by Jury of your peers in a Court of Law.

    It may well be judged appriopriate to use a knife or weapon in self defence in such circumstances, if it were deemed to be reasonable in relation to any perceived threat.

    The Criminal Kenny Noye was even aquitted by a Jury of stabbing a police officer John Fordham to death. The policeman was part of an undercover squad dressed in black with a balaclava, and Noye claimed it was reasonable force as he feared for life and didn't know who the man dressed in black in the bushes in his garden was, he was acqutted by the Jury at the Old Bailey, as they deemed Noyes actions reasonable force given the circumstances.

    As for the Muslim rubbish, it was the Archbishop of Canterbury who suggested parts of Sharia Civil Law could be used as they are currently in parts of Canada in order to settle minor disputes within the muslim community.

    There has never been any suggestion that British Laws will change. Indeed Britain has a smaller muslim population than Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Netherlands etc.

    New York has a larger Muslim population than that of London and other parts of the US such as parts of New Jersey and Detroit have very significant Muslim populations.

    New York City is home to 800,000 Muslims, whilst London is home to 600,000 Muslims or over 40% of the total UK Muslim population.

    It also should be noted that Canada and indeed America have sizeable Muslim populations.

    "Islam is said to be the fastest growing religion in the world: it is estimated that approximately 20,000-40,000 Americans convert to Islam each year and by the year 2010, America's Muslim population will double to approximately 10-12 million and will be the second-largest faith after Christianity (12)".

    Quote taken from Brown University - Muslim Communities in Rhode Island (see link below) -

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