
Is selena gomez dem or rep?

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i dont want " i luv selena but idk if shesc or not" or"i hate her shes just anouther miley"i want answers!




  1. why does it matter

  2. She isn't even old enough to vote so I doubt she is either.No offence Obama sucks.

  3. she can't vote yet, shes only 16.  

  4. Judging by her attitude, I would say Democrat.

    Like she acts nice.

  5. she cant vote yet

    anybody but obama for prez.

  6. I doubt she cares who wins (her parents might though). I'm guessing she's just apathetic. It would be impossible for any of us to know even if she did though, because I'm guessing it's in her Disney contracts to refrain going public about the side she supports.

    P.S. Obama '08!!!

  7. she has more on her mind than the President does so let alone Even think about Election's

  8. umm judging by her attitude

    i would guess obama.

  9. Good question! She has been recently putting the word out about teens getting involved in elections and promoting the idea of starting to think about their views. Judging by the way she speaks of the election and her ideas she sounds like a Democrat but I don't believe she has released her chosen party to the public.

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