
Is self love a perverted act?

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Since separating from my wife, I am finding myself reverting to a habit I had when I was single. I was raised Catholic and I believe the Catholic Church believes that masturbation is a sin, an act of perversion. I can remember when I was growing up that some guys thought maturbation was a g*y act. I am trying to date again but there is no female s*x partner in my life at present. I am watching adult movies and well, you know(spare you the details). Afterward, I feel guilty about what I have done, ashamed and all that. Then if anything goes wrong in my life, I think that God is punishing me for doing this. What do you guys (and gals) think?




  1. its not bad. your just horny and need some p***y.

    just lay back and enjoy the p**n ;]

  2. self-love is a perfectly natural part of life.  there is nothing wrong with it.  if you choose to go with your desires rather than your beliefs, then so be it.  do what feels right to you.

  3. I don't think a God worth worshipping would be angry over masturbation.  As long as you're not obsessed, I think masturbation is normal and healthy.

  4. I am sorry for using a pun, but you are going to have to come to grips with your situation and choose one or the other.

    The Catholic Church does indeed consider onanism a sin.

    You, unfortunately, are a normal, healthy, human male with a s*x drive.

    You will have to either stop polishing your horn, or realize that the Catholic Church is not for you and either turn agnostic or become a non-practicing anything.

    I wish you much luck.

  5. I think religion has caused more screwed up and mentally confused and emotionally/mentally tortured people over time than all the clinical mental illnesses combined.

    No, masturbation isn't's normal, natural, and the only truly safe-s*x there is. Toddlers have been known to m********e, they simply don't know what they are doing (just that it feels good).

    There's no reason for someone in or out of a relationship to feel bad about masturbating. You should be the one person you can always have s*x matter where you are in life.

    I m********e any time I desire...did it a little while ago. Who cares? It's my body and I'll d**n sure touch it where I want, when I want (situation appropriate of course). When my lover isn't around, the next best thing is to fantasize about him, while pleasuring myself. Nothing wrong with that at all. ☺♥☻

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