
Is selling a matter of pure luck or skill?

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I'm talking about direct selling. Someone told me that If I want to be a succesful salesman, I have to have the gift of persuasion, charisma(in order to leave a good impression to people), be very clever, etc.

And that if I don't have those skills I won't sell anything to anyone, he said to me.

What's your opinion?

And how do I develope those skills?




  1. You do need skills but I don’t agree with your friend unless you are selling used cars. You have to have knowledge of your product or service, do what you say you will do (i.e. find the answer to a question, call when you say you will etc), be positive etc. One important thing is to be on the same level (or one level up) as the person you are selling to. If you are a very hyper person and you have a very laid back person in front of you, you will make them feel uncomfortable. If you are selling hand tools to laborers and you start using words a professor would only understand then your disrespecting their hard work. Don’t try and sell someone a mid size car when they just told you they need a compact car because they drive 150 miles to work each day.

    Know and believe in your product or service, do what you say you will do, match the person’s mood and level in life, listen very carefully to what the person needs or wants and be respectful. If you want to do sales, do it and do it your way!

  2. I think that the answer depends on the type of products you are looking to sell.  I hate to use the cliche, but some products sell themselves...for example.  Lets say that you were demonstrating a power tool or a kitchen product that was new and solved a real world problem that everyone has likely experienced.  If you demonstrate how easy it is to use the product, it will likely sell itself, but granted those products are few and far between.

    Charisma does play a part, but I personally feel that a true LOVE for the product is the best advertisement.  You will be passionate  and entheuastic about the product, ad that wll show to your customers. has some good information, just click the link at the top of the page "For Sellers"

    Best of Luck

  3. Being a great listener and really learn what your customers are all about will get you far.  Be polite and helpful, and really listen, and you will win your customers without a doubt.

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