
Is sending flowers considered harassment?

by  |  earlier

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There is this girl that I was friends with, but she and I had an argument, basically it was my fault, she has not talked to me for 3 weeks. I mailed her a letter of apology she should get today or tommorrow. I am wondering if I should send her flowers at work or is this considered harassment?




  1. There's nothing wrong with sending flowers, its a way of saying "I'm sorry."

  2. I don't believe sending her flowers would be considered harassment. You might have a note on the card that reads 'I'm sorry. Hope we can remain friends'. After that, along with your letter of apology, I don't think I would try anything further. I would think the ball is in her court and she should make the next move if she values the friendship you had before the argument. Everyone makes mistakes and should be forgiven if they ask for forgiveness. It sounds like you have done all you can to repair the damages. I hope she is willing to forgive and to forget. Good luck.

  3. I don't believe so... I think harassment would be considered either verbal or physical. I don't think flowers qualify.

    If she has the audacity to not accept or file a complaint about some flowers... she's not worth your time!

  4. I suppose it depends what the argument was about.  If it was just a normal row about something to do with your relationship, then that's fine, but the fact that you're even wondering if she would consider it harassment makes me wonder why you're thinking that.  Has she told you to leave her alone from now on or anything like that?  If she has, then I'd do as she says - leave it at the letter you've sent and see what, if anything, she says about that.  If you don't hear back then perhaps you should leave the whole thing alone for a while.

  5. Not at all. If you are friends this is a great way to show you are sorry. Women love flowers.  

  6. No it is not harassment but expect her to think you like her a lot.

  7. In itself that isn't harassment.  If the only communication you've had with her in the three weeks is that mailed letter, and then you send her flowers, I don't think it would be considered harassment.

    Actually that might get her to talk to you again.  I think I've gotten flowers at work twice in my life, and I absolutely loved it both times.  I was embarrassed at all the extra attention, but I still loved it.  

    Give it a try, just don't go overboard on the note.

  8. No I don't think it is harassment. You were wrong and you just want to let her know that you are sorry. Just send her a small bunch of flowers, nothing big or flashy, keep it humble. I think it is very honorable of you to do so.

  9. No...not if just once, and no giant, showy bouquet, like 1 or 2 dozen roses.  Send a cute little mixed bouquet or daisies or something.  Good luck!!!

  10. Me, I would let her get the note and wait a couple of days. If she talks to you based on your letter, good. It is an invitation to get back on track.

    If not, don't waste the money on flowers, or embarrass her at work with your attentions.

    Once you are back together as friends, THEN send flowers as a way to say-I am glad we are friends--- not sorry, I screwed up.

  11. so long as you keep it small it should be fine, don't like fill her office with flowers is what i mean.

  12. leave it at the card

    if you get back to being friends you could buy her some later  just to say your glad your back on track with each other  

  13. I think it is a very nice gesture to send flowers with an "I'm sorry" card.  If she doesn't contact you after that then leave her alone because it would then be harassing her.

  14. no, but it can be stalking which could lead to harassment... as long as it was something to say sorry i dont think it is.

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