
Is sensitivity something you outgrow??

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I am 26yrs old and super sensitive! just about everything hurts my feelings... Whether the way people look at me, talk to me or lack of.... My fiance has commented on this and even my mom has agreed. I was wondering if there is anyone else who was super sensitive in their early years and have outgrown it? Or if anyone has found a way to deal with being sensitive? Thanks!




  1. No, it's not something you outgrow. Sensitivity will always be a part of you and makes you who you are. I'm sensitive as well but then again I do have a back bone. Don't let things get to you. Shake it off and keep walking.  

  2. no you dont outgrow it. you get tired of it. you change your mind. it stems from being too self absorbed, the world doesnt revolve around you and not everything is meant to hurt you. sometimes you hv to get mad about your own behavior in order to want to change it. it sounds like you do. and you are aware of it. love yourself. do good things. build confidence in yourself. and think about others so that you will stop thinking about yourself so much.

  3. Not really...but you learn how to deal with them better...Take Care

  4. it doesnt happen on its own

    you need to do some of the work.

    fight it x

  5. One in every twenty people is considered to be a highly sensitive person (HSP). This means that either you yourself may be sensitive or someone you know is. 42% of the population is not highly sensitive, meaning that most things don't bother them the way they will an HSP. Everyone else falls somewhere in between, with the odd few being completely unemotional about anything. (By the way - 20% of the entire animal kingdom is highly-sensitive as well).

    Who are HSP's and What Are They Like?

    They are the thinkers, the cautious ones, the conservative people; the ones that say "Hey, wait a minute. Let's think this through before doing something rash."

    Every society needs highly sensitive people, just as we need the warriors, the leaders who are ready to take the risks. However, you are the one that helps to temper the not-so-sensitive types, the ones who can be bold, rash and impulsive and may have not thought things through to the consequences of their actions. Highly sensitive people are most often the people found in the roles of advisors, counselors and advocators for restraint.

    Be proud of it - don't ever outgrow it cause you probably won't.

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