
Is september 9, 2009 a lucky date to get married?

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Is september 9, 2009 a lucky date to get married?




  1. Don't be ridiculous, you're showing your age (young)-- there is no lucky day.

    Marriage is work, and a LOT of it! Make sure you choose the right person, make sure you're at LEAST in your late twenties and that you both have your heads on straight. Did I mention it will be WORK? But anything worth having is WORTH working for.

  2. sure, and after that, it will be 10/10/10.  why wasn't 6/6/06 made such a big deal of?  (see the book of Revelation in the Bible if you don't know... but not everyone believes that.... )

  3. its a wednesday :p and its twoo days from 9/11 soo no

  4. Like eight, nine is considered lucky in China because the word for nine sounds like the word for "longlasting", which sounds like a good marriage adjective. In Japan, it's unlucky, because it sounds like the word for "pain" which sounds like a more common marriage adjective than "longlasting".


  6. no its just stupid numbers. people will be killed and murdered on that day just like any other day no doubt. was it lucky for them?

  7. Any day is lucky.

  8. Luck is not in the date in the calender. If you really want to be lucky in your marriage, you should both work hard for it. You should maintain the "give and take" relationship not just give and give or take and take. The most also that you should have in your relationship is the trust and honesty to each other; humbleness that if one makes a mistake, the other should try to understand; and low pride that even if everything is going wrong, you should be calm and talk about it in a nice way so that you can easily clarify things and give solution to it.

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